04-24-2024 04:30 PM
My son’s Oculus 2 stopped working and states “Tracking Lost” and to try using the controllers, but we can’t because they’re unresponsive and just keep vibrating. I have literally spent hundreds of dollars on games and “shiny rocks”. He wants to reset it to factory settings, but I am concerned that he will lose everything we purchased. What should we do? Please help!
04-24-2024 05:18 PM
Hey there @PrettyPrince0, we understand that your tracking was lost and the controllers keep vibrating. Before doing a Factory Reset, let's try to Restart your device. When doing a Factory Reset we suggest having Cloud Backup enabled so nothing will be lost. If the vibration is gone but the tracking is lost you can turn on and off:
We also suggest that your environment has no flashing lights and well lit. Please contact us back soon, we can't wait to hear back from you!
04-25-2024 05:23 PM
Hey @PrettyPrince0, we're reaching out again to see if you are still in need of assistance, please feel free to ask us any further questions or if there are any concerns. Thank you, have a great one!
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