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Oculus 2 stuck on pairing screen can't connect or go to settings


Since the widespread Meta issue on 3/5/24 we have been unable to pair our headset with phone app.  It is just stuck on the pairing screen and the code is not working. We have tried factory reset multiple times, reinstalling app on phone. We can't get to the Oculus Quest 2 settings menu either to check Bluetooth connection or anything else. Please help! We are upset and frustrated.


Honored Guest

having the same issue. had to go out and buy a new one in the mean time because my autistic son cant live without. we tried everything but i am thinking there is an update that didnt fully go through because after factory resetting at the top there is a quick warning that says downloand 2/2 0%. i emailed support hoping they can help[ fix this!

I ended up contacting Meta chat today and will be retuning headset under warranty since it is only from Christmas! They are replacing. I tried everything!!! I had that same update notification at the top as well. My kid is also having a hard time without it. Sorry you had to buy another one!!!


Having the same problem. Been back and forth with support and they have not been able to help. I just keep getting different reps and have to explain what’s happening over and over and no one is helping. So so frustrated! 

I am sorry!  It is so frustrating. Is yours under warranty?  I made it clear that I had tried everything and had purchase receipt, etc. and they are replacing headset.  I think the problem definitely happened after last week when they had issues at Meta/Facebook, etc.  They should replace everyone's with this situation.  Obviously their fault.  I hope you get some help soon.

It is extremely frustrating. My son only used it maybe 10 times at most now all his friends are playing and so he wanted to be in on that, I feel so bad for him because they told me ours is not in warranty anymore and they offered me to “Purchase” a refurbished one! I was so mad! I’m glad you are getting a replacement though. But I agree everyone should get a replacement 

I would try and elevate it to management.  It is obviously their issue after the widespread Facebook/Meta problem on 3/5.  I have seen multiple people comment on here with the same issue so I am sure they have some log or record of all the complaints.  My husband and I are computer literate and we could not figure out any way to fix it after trying everything they suggested.  It is their issue, not user error. People like you should not be penalized for their problem.  Do they have a repair department maybe?  If they are fixing ones and sending them out as refurbs they should. Again, sorry you are going through this. My son would be devastated if we could not replace or fix.  Don't take no for an answer haha.

I’m not the best at communicating my frustration, haha! But I will send yet another email and see what happens. Thanks for your response. 😊

Same here and no luck with so-called help support what a huge bad joke they are!!they trying to sell me one of their refurbished headsets now I haven't even got this new one paid off!! And they ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT HELP!!!!! They're just ripping people off like crazy!!!!

No! If it's not under warranty you're screwed I'm screwed and they do not care at all!!!! My warranty had just left a few days before this happened!!

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