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Oculus 3 keeps overheating

Everytime i log onto my oculus, it just overheats. had it off for almost 3 hours, charged it while, and it still will over-heat. Been hearing something in my oculus when i look up or down, might be a broken fan but im just not sure yet.


Accepted Solutions  first thing to do it perform a factory reset using the buttons or from within the mobile app as it maybe a software issue not a hardware issue.

Is the unit still in warranty, if so contact meta quest support.

If it's out of warranty, would you be confidant in removing a few screws to see what's going on inside?

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

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Wasnt a software problem, still had my warranty sent it back, they'll give me my headset in 1-2 weeks


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Consultant  are you getting an overheating message on the headset screen? If you turn the headset on, can you hear the fan spin up if you put your ear against the front. If the fan doesn't spin up when the headset is in use then then it may be jammed or defective. Return it if it's still under warranty.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

i hear it spin then just shutdown then try again. its like a never-ending loop of start-ups.  first thing to do it perform a factory reset using the buttons or from within the mobile app as it maybe a software issue not a hardware issue.

Is the unit still in warranty, if so contact meta quest support.

If it's out of warranty, would you be confidant in removing a few screws to see what's going on inside?

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

Wasnt a software problem, still had my warranty sent it back, they'll give me my headset in 1-2 weeks


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