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Oculus CV1 Head Tracking a stuttering nightmare suddenly! Desperate to fix!

Hello Oculus forum members. I am having a major issue with my system head tracking. Please help!!!:

I have had my Oculus Rift and Touch and new PC since this past Christmas '16, and it worked perfectly in Oculus Home with smooth head tracking on my 2 sensor forward facing setup. About 3 days ago I decided to update my Nvidia driver (and Java to run the nvidia system scanner) for the first time (without noting what driver version shipped with the system). After updating to the  newest official Nvidia driver for my GTX970 (driver ver 376.33), and starting up home, the Rift (CV1) head tracking is completely ruined. It stutters/lags continuously with any movement. Again I don't know which driver version it shipped with but I have tried to install various older versions of the Nvidia drivers and tried to use Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) to completely wipe the old drivers and re-update to 376.33. Nothing works. Not even a partial system roll back (although I have not fully restored/wiped the system to factory settings as a have a lot of oculus software downloaded). 

Additional info:
- Again DDU was used to clean-wipe the display driver and re-install 376.33 clean and this did not fix in any way.
-The headset is plugged into a USB 3 port that has not had any issues. after this issue I tried updating the drivers and that cause no head tracking so I was able to roll back to the factory USB 3 driver and the port seems totally normal/fine now.
-I have confirmed with the oculus debug tool that ASW is NOT on. 
- I have also made sure to remove any Asus software that even resembles system monitoring add-ins as those can cause Oculus latency issues (for example AI Suite is not on my system).
-I have tried systematically turning off any background system software processes that seem like they could cause a conflict (example printer drivers, Audio drivers). 

Nothing has improved the stuttering tracking at all and I am left with the crushing realization that I now have an $1800 (new PC/Oculus/Touch combo) paperweight. Please advise! I am desperate and my wife is furious to boot!

My system config: 
Manufacterer/Model: Asus ROG G20CB
processor: i7 3.4ghz 6700
RAM: 16gb DDR 4 2133mhz
Videocard: GTX 970
Windows 10 home 64-bit


Jonathan Payne

Have you tried go to Settings - Beta - Restart Oculus?
Maybe also reinstall Oculus drivers in \Oculus\Support\oculus-drivers\oculus-driver.exe and setting everything up again.

Nick_Bb - I will try this tonight! Thank you! EDIT: I did it. No change 😞

Grand Champion
Can you post you logs here? See these instructions on how to get the logs. I'm interested in the LogGatherer one. Thanks.
AMD Ryzen 7 1800X | MSI X370 Titanium | G.Skill 16GB DDR4 3200 | EVGA SuperNOVA 1000 | Corsair Hydro H110i Gigabyte RX Vega 64 x2 | Samsung 960 Evo M.2 500GB | Seagate FireCuda SSHD 2TB | Phanteks ENTHOO EVOLV

Cybereality: UPDATED: I have updated my USB drivers as well, no change in bad tracking symptoms. Please find my Oculus log per the log gatherer program (attached). Let me know if you see anything!?!

Log generated and attached to my previous/now updated post. Let me know what you find!

One other thing I wanted to add: When i have tried re-running sensor setup multiple times over the last several days (after the tracking got so stutter-y and judder-y) I realize that during the Guardian (safety boundry) setup, the 'dot' on the overhead map that represents the touch controller position in my room is also skipping and hiccuping around with the same latency issues as the head tracking. Moving sensors around to different USB ports (which are all actually labeled on the computer as being oculus approved w/ oculus "O"s over them and are all 3.0 or 3.1) doesn't change the tracking.... Now i'm wondering if this is completely coming from the sensor side and only manifesting in the headset.... It's just that the problem started on the day that i first updated the display driver so that's why I have been confident that was the issue... very odd.

Grand Champion
There is definitely something up with your system. I see this error:
Windows 10 system doesn't appear to have RiftDisplay.inf installed. Cannot use DXGI 2 path successfully.
This could mean the driver install failed for some reason (for example, maybe being blocked by anti-virus) so your headset won't work fully. You can try doing a repair install or uninstalling / reinstalling completely. Before that, though, you can just try to install the drivers again. Simply run this file: "oculus-drivers.exe" which should be in the Oculus folder (C:/Program Files/Oculus/Support/oculus-drivers or something similar). 

There are also some sample reading errors, which could potentially cause choppy tracking. I would guess it's a USB compatibility or bandwidth issue. In this case, running the sensors on USB 2.0 would help (you can try just one sensor on USB 2.0 or both). 

AMD Ryzen 7 1800X | MSI X370 Titanium | G.Skill 16GB DDR4 3200 | EVGA SuperNOVA 1000 | Corsair Hydro H110i Gigabyte RX Vega 64 x2 | Samsung 960 Evo M.2 500GB | Seagate FireCuda SSHD 2TB | Phanteks ENTHOO EVOLV

Hello there cyberreality! I will definitely try the drivers you suggest and report back on this thread.

As for the USB ports, this in an "oculus" ready tower that Asus makes that has only 3.0 and 3.1 ports so a 2.0 swap is out of the question unfortunately. I do not believe there is any 2.0 port as the device manager says they are all 3.0 or higher. The strangest thing about all of this is that it worked beautifully for several weeks with this exact setup. The sensors were getting enough power/bandwidth, the headset tracking was buttery smooth. It was only the day I updated the Nvidia driver and java that everything went south. Maybe a coincidence, I don't know.

I the issue of the Oculus installation: When you say try doing a repair install: Do you mean of the desktop Oculus software? How does one do the repair install? For the full install I can certainly redownload it again but ultimately that was already tried once but I'm happy to do it again. Is there a troubleshooting "repair" function in the Oculus settings menu that I missed? I have all of my oculus software backed up in a different directory so I have no concerns about wiping/reinstalling Oculus itself.

Hello Cyberreality - I have been trying to install the drivers from both of the following locations and strangely i get an hourglass loading icon and then nothing. No actual installation app visibly runs. A window opens and immediately disappears with out any successful installation. I'm definitely worried now that something in my oculus installation is broken. Additionally I tried completely uninstalling and re-installing oculus software and it still runs exactly the same.
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