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Oculus Debug Tool CLI

I have found that using OculusDebugToolCLI.exe to lock FPS @30 works very well for a particular program, but every time I want to run that program I have to re-enter the command.

My question is: Is there any way to Auto Execute this when I start up, Or have this default in the Oculus program?

Expert Protege
Maybe look into using Oculus Tray Tool. 
Ryzen 7 1800X, Auros X470 Gaming Ultra, Power Color RX 580, 4200Mhz Corsair Hynix 32g, 500g Samsung 970 EVO (OS Drive), 1TB Silicon Power Gen 4 (Game Drive), Custom Water Loop 


Maybe look into using Oculus Tray Tool.

 OTT only allows 45, which causes stutters. Thank you for the reply.

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