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Oculus Link Microphone not working

Honored Guest
Anyone else have the issue where the mic doesn't work through oculus link? It shows up in windows but stays at a constant level. I've reinstalled all oculus software, made sure all the microphone settings were on, and setup right and tested my quests mic standalone and it works fine. Also, it was working fine for about 6 months and just randomly stopped working one day, I'm hoping it's just a recent update that bugged it. and will be fixed soon. I do hope that someone might have a solution though. Thanks

I have the same issue. So following to see the answer. 

Honored Guest
For me this method works;
Connect Oculus Quest to pc > Enable Link > Quickly reconnect cable > Enable Link again


For me this method works;
Connect Oculus Quest to pc > Enable Link > Quickly reconnect cable > Enable Link again

Not sure what you mean. So start up the link connected. Pull out cable and insert again. Start up link again?
Didnt work...

Community Manager
Community Manager
Hi @"clas.jonsson.86" Please make sure all audio enhancements are disabled, also go to the Advanced tab on the Microphone properties and uncheck "allow applications to take exclusive control of this device" and reboot your computer. If it still does not work, please submit a ticket with us so we can look into your issue. - Clint
If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Same here

Honored Guest
I have this problem too.
the microphone without a link cable works, but when you connect the cable the same symptoms


Hi @"clas.jonsson.86" Please make sure all audio enhancements are disabled, also go to the Advanced tab on the Microphone properties and uncheck "allow applications to take exclusive control of this device" and reboot your computer. If it still does not work, please submit a ticket with us so we can look into your issue. - Clint

This actually worked. After I finished I disconnected the headset by pulling the link out of it. I pulled the link out of the computer. I put the headset on charging. The next time I connected the headset it once again shut it off. Between session the computer has been shut off. I tried restarting the headset with no result.  

Honored Guest
wheres that microphone tab hes talking about

Honored Guest
So I found it and well it did absolutely nothing my mic is still not functioning 
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