12-19-2022 09:25 PM
I'm aware that others mentioned this issue. Still, I've not found any solutions or responses from Meta.
I'm trying to connect my Oculus Pro with the Oculus Developer Hub app. I bought the original Oculus Link cable, which is USB 3.2 according to its website.
No matter what I do (e.g., restart the Oculus, restart my laptop, reinstall Oculus Developer, update Oculus Developer, reset settings, deactivate/activate Oculus link, deactivate/activate Developer mode, deactivate/activate USB Connection Dialog option, etc.), the Oculus Developer app doesn't connect with the Oculus Prop after allowing access to the device. The app stays connected with the Oculus only when it asks for access to the device (see the picture below, you can see the question and the Oculus Developer with the Oculus Pro's dashboard). After clicking "Allow," the Developer app gets disconnected while the device asks about Guardian. I tried different settings, but it didn't work.
After a while, I tried with different USB-C cables and it worked. For example, it worked with my Apple USB-C cable (the one that comes with the Macbook charger). It also worked with a generic USB-C cable (USB 3.0 compatible). The app stayed connected to the device after allowing access. (i.e., I can see the dashboard, see the picture below). I tried with the same ports on my laptop, and the problem comes only from the Oculus Link cable...
Why is not the Oculus Link cable compatible with the Oculus Developer app? How can we fix this problem? I had the same issue with the cable that came in the Oculus Pro box. Are all Meta cables incompatible with Oculus Developer?
I'm attaching some screenshots.
12-19-2022 10:51 PM
Have you tried this with Air Link? Just a thought.
12-20-2022 10:31 AM
Hey @diegozara, we see that you are having extensive issues using the Oculus Developer Hub. We want to reassure you that we understand your concern and that we'll help you find the appropriate resources to handle this problem. You might want to reach out to the developer support team (if you are logged into a verified developer account), you would be able to make a support ticket, here. You could also visit our developer forums, as that would be a better place to carry conversations with other people who might've had this same issue. You can find our forums here.
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