01-11-2025 03:39 PM
I use Avaya Equinox/Workplace on my home PC for work. I have found that having the oculus software installed on the PC I use for work causes issues with picking up calls as it adds a delay of several seconds (3-5 seconds every time) before I can hear the other party or they can hear me, just leaving me hanging awkwardly in silence.
Uninstalling the oculus software fixes the issues, so I guess I won't be using PCVR unless this gets resolved.
I've also found similar problems with in-game communication with non-VR titles, push to talk is pointless as no sound is picked up from the mic for several seconds. Any chance this could be looked into? I'd like to use my quest 3 for PCVR but apparently if I do I can no longer use my main PC for work.
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