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Oculus Quest 2 and LINK is NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE


I am getting so frustrated at the total lack of progress in Oculus trying to find a solution as to WHY the link cable will not work.  EVERY, and I mean EVERY possible effort has been done to find a solution. My new system is a Intel i9-11900K CPU and a ROG (Z590) Maximus XIII Hero motherboard. ALL drivers have been updated and re-loaded, as is the Nvidia drivers. The USB Hub, Host, and Root Hub controllers have ALL been re-installed.  The USB settings in the Bios have been checked.  ALL the Oculus software removed and re-installed, et, et. The USB-C ports are working OK, as I have plugged in a Portable HD to the ports and work fine, and the link cable DOES charge the Quest 2.  I have also tried ALL the USB-A 3.0, 3.2 and 2,0 ports with an adaptor cable. No matter what huge efforts I take, the same old problem, 'PC not connected' and a Win10 box 'Device not recognised'?  It JUST GOES ON AND ON! My previous system, the Quest 2 did work on the PC link, but the Intel i7-6700K and the GTX980Ti did struggle, BUT it worked and quite well! I used the PC link almost 80% of the time, so it is important.  It HAS to be a Oculus software problem that is NOT compatible with the new Z590 motherboards.  As far as I am concerned this Quest 2 and genuine Oculus link cable is NOT fit for purpose! 


Honored Guest

Did you try to completely reinstall window 10? this solved my cable link bandwidth problem which was limited to 685 mbps and is now well recognized at 1.8 gbps, maybe this will allow you to solve your problem if you haven't already done so .

Thanks for advice.  Windows 10 runs very well.  That suggestion is totally out of the question, as it would take hours and hours and days to reinstall all my apps and especially MS Flightsim 2020 which is huge.


Try a different USB cable. My original Oculus Link cable went bad after 4 months and I started getting device errors and USB bandwidth issues. I bought a thicker generic USB cable and those problems disappeared. Looks like that original thin USB Oculus Link cable may be flimsy and doesn't last that long.

I had this issue earlier today after a fresh install of windows as i had bricked my system with unrelated regedits last week.    SO, i had done a fresh install and downloaded chipset drivers straight from AMDs site as im on an AMD based system.  My system wouldnt recognize the Quest 2.  It used to before i had bricked the previous install tho.  I pondered for a bit and then just ended up uninstalling the AMD chipset drivers then restarted my system. I then went to my motherboard manufacturers drivers page for this motherboard make and model. I downloaded the AMD chipset drivers package on the motherboard drivers page.  Installed those, rebooted. My system then recognized the Quest 2.   I then felt confident enough to go to AMDs site and download the installer package for newer chipset drivers.    

Maybe something to consider regarding *order of install*

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