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Oculus Quest 2 was bootlooping now wont respond to anything.

Honored Guest

Before you say factory reset, the oculus was on 32% battery when the bootloop went to unresponsive. No lights, no power, no nothing NO MATTER WHAT I TRY. I've held the power button, power ans volume down, power and volume up, for LONGER than 10 and 30 secs. I've tried different chargers... still, nothing. 



@Xtramediumgoat  it could be that your headset had an update during the meta boot loop of death.

Is your headset still under warranty?

You might want to have a look at this interesting read.

If you're a bit tasty with a small torx driver, you could remove the inner face plate, the outer face plate and disconnect the battery from the PCB.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR
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