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Oculus Quest 2 will not link to my PC, neither a cable nor airlink works.

Honored Guest

So, I have all the up to date drivers, compatible hardware blah blah blah. This issue came suddenly after I was using link and going into the Oculus dash just fine with a Quest 2.


Now, I can never get past the three dots, almost like the Oculus Dash doesn't exist anymore.


I've tried restarting, reinstalling everything, factory resetting the headset, updating the drivers, watching countless articles all around the internet, closing applications on task manager, updating all my software and OS', I'VE TRIED LITERALLY EVERYTHING YOU CAN THINK OF, AND IM TRAPPED IN AN INFINITE LOADING SCREEN!

If I press the Oculus button on my right handset, it comes up with the Oculus Quest 2 menu and says "Oculus Link".


I've exhausted all options and odds are I'm going to need to sell my headset, because it's just simply not connected to my PC. WHY EXACTLY CAN IT NO LONGER GO TO THE OCULUS DASH AFTER IT WAS DOING SO JUST FINE 3 WEEKS AGO?!?!?!


Honored Guest

Same 😕

Hey there @lapsee! We want to look at this with you and get Air Link running properly. Please follow THESE steps to collect log files, then send the resulting file to our email and chat teams HERE. We'll figure this out. Thanks!

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