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Oculus Quest Home Screen+Guardian set-up+Passtrough FAILING/NOT RESPONDING/NOT SHOWING

Honored Guest
Hello guys!

I just recently have my Oculus Quest as a birthday gift, but I want to share you the issues that I'm struggling with.

The set-up was okay step by step I followed the instructions and I even maneged to see the ''Passtrough feature'' while setting-up my Guardian. I managed to play the demo of a game called Beat Saber. I dicided to purchase it and play. Everytime that I've tried to play it tells me that in order to play the game, the device need to update, but it doesn't seem to. It looks like when you exit an app. If I ''click'' Resume, three dots appear, the same window that notifies me of the update reappear giving me the choice to update and then again it look like when I exit an app. If I tap Exit the home menu dissapears.

I tried turning it off, restarting it even holding down the power and volume button. Whenever I turn it on, I appear on the VR living room and demande me to set up my Guardian where I can't see the passtrough feature, I can't see the floor or the drawing line to set up perimeter, the home menu doesn't appear (only the sort of living room) and the only way to make it appear is by opening an app directly from my phone then exit it.

The only menu that I have is missing the settings menu and only have the app layout and library.

I tried to contact customer support but haven't got any news yet.

Any advice or help is genuinly appreciated!

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