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Oculus Quest Link Crashing

Hello! I have a GeForce 1050 Graphics card and 32 MBs of ram, but it keeps crashing once it connects. It has worked before in Deism, Rick and Morty, and Minecraft, but it hasn't worked since mid-February. It has crashed quickly after it shows the home area or once a game starts. We turned off the Public Test Channel and are all up to date. Could someone help us?

Rising Star
Are you still having issues ?

Oculus Rift S - Oculus Quest 128GB
MSI trident 3 7RB-200UK Intel Core i5-7400 3 Ghz x2
MSI GTX 1050 Ti (4GB) & MSI Aero GTX 1060 OC (6GB) & MSI Aero GTX 1070 OC 8GB
16 GB RAM x2, 1TB HDD x2, 1TB SSD x2
Windows 10 Home Edition Version 10.0.18363 Build 18363, Oculus version 17, Quest Version 17
Fan Cooling by Zotac FireStorm - AfterBurner cause me problems.

Update: We removed the extension cord and it has worked fine. Does anyone know a good extension cord to use?

Rising Star
This works :-
Oculus Rift S - Oculus Quest 128GB
MSI trident 3 7RB-200UK Intel Core i5-7400 3 Ghz x2
MSI GTX 1050 Ti (4GB) & MSI Aero GTX 1060 OC (6GB) & MSI Aero GTX 1070 OC 8GB
16 GB RAM x2, 1TB HDD x2, 1TB SSD x2
Windows 10 Home Edition Version 10.0.18363 Build 18363, Oculus version 17, Quest Version 17
Fan Cooling by Zotac FireStorm - AfterBurner cause me problems.
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