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Oculus Quest Link crashing

Honored Guest
i have used the Oculus link before on the same computer, played some games in it,the walking dead S n S, half life alix, and other tittles. It was just recent that i couldnt "link up." i was using the beta version on both the PC and Quest and there was an update on PC only from V18 to 19. it was then that i couldnt link up. i tried turning off and on the quest. updated my drivers restarted the PC and still no luck. i even reinstalled the oculus app to get the same updated version on the PC and Quest. Visually ill be linking up and would be able to see the white matrix plane and be able to move my hands but once the home layout starts to render in it would freeze and crash. Need help or suggestion. 
My pc components GPU: AMD Radeon RX 5700, CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6core, Ram: 16GB


Honored Guest
I have the same issue since few weeks (the worst was yesterday....lot of crash with only 4/5 minutes of gameplay...)
I hope this bug will be fixed with the next version.
Have you find a bypass? (you or the customer service?)
I open a ticket on ticket oculusvr

Honored Guest
I'm having same kind of issues and depending on the USBB port I'm using, it's either blue screen or crash and back to the desktop. I tried diffeent games on different platform (epic and Steam)
PC is CPU AMD Ryzen 7 2700X 8core - GPU NVIDIA GEFORCE RTX 2080 - 32Gb DD4 3200Mhz - Oculus Quest 2

Hi there,
Same issue for me. When I play with tennis game 1st person with my Oculus Quest 2 connected with the Oculus link cable, after sometimes, my PC is crashing and restarting (Bleu window).
PC is Asus A17 TUF Gaming CPU AMD Ryzen 7 4800H - 16 GO - Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Ti 6 GO

Honored Guest
instant crash when i click link ont home XD

Honored Guest
Same here

Honored Guest
My link too crashes after a few minutes of gameplay. It just freezes.
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