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Oculus Quest controller draining battery very fast (only left controller)


I have a brand new Quest and the left controller is draining the battery insanely fast.
The battery reading is dropping from 3/3 to 2/3 after 10 mins, completely dead after 20-30 mins of use.
This has been tested with multiple brands of batteries (cheap and expensive).

It is also definitely just the left controller, the right controller hasn't drained any visible charge at all.
At first i thought this was being caused by the controller not going to sleep and draining overnight, but I have witnessed the battery readout dropping before my eyes while in use (e.g. the dashboard reading dropping from 3/3 to 2/3 after 10 mins, from fresh batteries).

I'll get in contact with hardware support asap, but I posted this here to see if anyone else ran into this problem, or if it is a common issue?
I only just received the headset (via the Oculus Start developer program) so it would be a shame to have to send the controller all the way back to the US.
Jack (Gaugepunk Games)

(P.S the Quest is incredible and i absolutely love it)

I'm getting this sorted out with hardware support, but ill keep this post up just in case other people run into the same problem and have something to find on google.


Hey did you have any luck sorting this out? I've had the same problem, it comes and goes, and changes controllers. The strange thing is that the battery doesn't actually drain: if you take the 'drained' battery out of the controller and put it in the other controller, you will see that it is actually still at very high charge, and indeed it will last many more hours.
 The cause of this issue is some sort of software/hardware bug causing a misreading of the battery's charge, but I have no idea why. It used to happen in my right controller, now it happens in the left.

Honored Guest

Any luck on this? Had my quest 2 a couple of months now and was all good till now , having the same left controller battery drain issue 😩

Honored Guest

My quest 2 is two months old, and my left controller is draining battery over night every time.

I've never chaged the battery on my right controller and it's still at 80%, but I've had to change the battery on my left cotroller every time lately.

Would love to hear of any updates to this issue.

Did you ever get this sorted out or an explanation of what was causing it?  I'm having the same issue.  Have had my Quest a few months, using brand new batteries at the moment, and suddenly the right controller started draining before my eyes. 100%-0% within a minute. 

Honored Guest

Mine does the exact same thing. Have you found a solution? If so what is the solution? 

Honored Guest

I have developed this issue as well. I still don't know why yet. Has Oculus mentioned anything yet? 


For those wondering, there was no solution to this. I was simply sent a replacement controller. 

So I assume the best thing you can do is contact hardware support

Honored Guest

that is exactly what is happening to me but for me it’s only the right controller and I can’t find anything saying how to fix this, i’ve had to change the batteries many times and and only had to change the left controller once. Which is weird because i’ve only had my oculus since december 25. does anyone know how to fix this?

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