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Oculus Remote Teleport functionality

Honored Guest

Looking for a simplest teleport functionality in UE4 using only oculus Remote. Nice and simple for simple Clients to use.

- Along the lines of the VR template, however this uses a game pad along with a sequence of pressing A button followed by left stick, then use the head set to fine tune the look direction before releasing A. You can imagine the client nightmare.

Looking for the following:

Press and HOLD Oculus Remote Enter button to lock in Teleport location. Simply move the headset in the direction away from the locked location to decide the facing rotation, then release Enter to complete the Teleport. 

Nice and simple for basic users to navigate an enviroment etc. 

Can anyone advise how to Mod the VR templete with Unreal to allow for this. A really useful template for everyone I reckon. I believe Farlands uses a similar technique for teleporting?


Honored Guest

I could use this, too.
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