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Oculus Rift - Orange Led - No image

Honored Guest
I recently bought an Oculus Rift and by the time I was finishing setting it up I put on the Rift and there was no display but I could hear what I assume is the menu of the store. Everything is fine and there seems to be no problem with the HDMI and USB cables. In the oculus app it says that everything is working just fine but I still see the orange light. I already uninstalled the program and double checked every step that I made.

My specs:

GeForce GTX 1050 ti
Intel Core i7-7700 HQ CPU
All my USB ports are 3.0

Honored Guest
Not alone there, no display here but the audio works fine. Everything is green across the board in Oculus home. Device fails to show up as a display on Nvidia or Device manager. Solid orange light.

EVGA GTX 1070ti SC Black edition
3.0-3.1 USB

Honored Guest
(For Me) Doesn't Load Can't Hear A Thing, Doesn't Get Detected!

Rising Star
Keep something on the proximity sensor so that the orange light is not lit (should be white at this point), let the system to start. Then, take of the hdmi from the computer fow a few seconds and then attach it back (all the time, keep something on the HMD's proximity sensor). See if the screens start, let them have at least 10 seconds. On Enzos problem that there's not even sound i can't recommend any empirically found proposal to fix it.
i9-9900K@ 5GHz, ASUS Rog Strix 2080 Super OC , 32gb 3466MHz DDR4, ROG Strix Z390 E Gaming, 1 x Inateck 4 port USB 3.0 card, 2x3.1, USB, 6x3.0 USB on mobo, 1x USB-C on G-card, Reverb G2

Honored Guest
@Netheri just saw the notification but wouldnt of fixed it apparently my usb 3.0 ports didnt support my vr and had to get an extension
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