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Oculus Rift S Sensor Problem

Honored Guest
Im very confused with my new Oculus Rift S. First my Specs:

Mainboard: gigabyte 450m
GPU: Asus Nvidia GTX 1070 Dual
CPU: Ryzen 2500
Ram: 16GB DDR4 Memory

The Oculus program stuck on the sensor check screen, everytime.
If i skip the setup it shows that the Rift S is connected but i should restart the app. But it comes the message again and again. So it dosent matter how often i restart the program.

The oculus rift s has in the program a red dot but is recognized. So the rift s dosent show anything on the screen.

I installed the program i think the third time yesterday. Could anyone help me to get my first expirence in VR?


Honored Guest

Honored Guest
No one can help or give some tips?

Community Manager
Community Manager
Hey @SkyMountain1710, I'm sorry to hear you're having sensor issues with your Rift S. Please try unplugging your USB and DisplayPort from the computer, wait 10 seconds, plug your USB cable back into the computer, wait another 10 seconds then plug in your DisplayPort. It's important for the USB connection to fully establish before connecting the DisplayPort. Also, please try removing the headset cable from the headset and re-connecting it. You will need to remove the facial interface in order to access the connection on the headset. If you need more help, please contact support here Thanks! -Rick
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Honored Guest
Dosent work for me

Honored Guest
me too...this is not good since I just bought it. help support??? I've tried everything!!!!!!!!

Honored Guest
I already unplug my USB and DisplayPort from the computer, waited 10 seconds, plug my USB cable back into the computer, waited another 10 seconds then pluged in my DisplayPort. also i unplug headset cable from the headset.
My Computer is:
Motherboard MSI H170M Pro-VDH
Intel I5-6600 CPU 3.30ghz
NVidia Geforce GTX 1060 3GB

Not applicable
Windows 10 privacy settings?  Allow camera?

Honored Guest
No one has a solution, was working fine for me until I did the latest update, now it doesn't detect the headset even though all cables are green

Honored Guest
and yes oculus is allowed to use camera in windows 10
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