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Oculus Rift S and Oculus Quest, Missing my library.

Honored Guest
What is going on with Oculus. I have over 60 games and can't play any.

Same issue here, not one of my over (Headset: Rift S) 50 game is showing in the library when I opened Oculus Home today. I see my purchase history yet when I go to the store I only see the purchase button as if I never bought anything.

I checked on my laptop also, where I sometimes play as well and same in the Oculus Home, nothing there 😞 . I reinstalled Oculus Home, but it fixed nothing, and it is also unlikely that it's a software issue since it shows same on 2 different pcs. I need vr to stay in contact with friends and I'm very upset over that. Already turned to support and hope this is fixed soon!

I had the same issue last night. Was resolved in the morning. Good luck!

I'm having the same issue. My purchase history is showing everything, but nothing is showing up my library. I've checked on both of my Quests, in the Oculus app on my PC, on the Oculus App on my phone, and even logged into my Oculus account in the browser and none are showing anything I've purchased in my library. I submitted a ticket with support. I hope it's something simple like a service outage somewhere. The thought of losing hundreds in app purchases is rather nauseating.

Honored Guest
Same here since yesterday, still not resolved.

Very frustrating ! on both quest and 2 of my PC VR Rigs, it seems a issue with our accounts?


This is an issue many have. My Rift, Quest, Go and phone App purchased apps are all disappeared. Reset devices is unusefull. Must be an Oculus Server problem. 

Same here , no news from oculus, refund bug too. Amazing

Honored Guest
Same here... ETA/update please Oculus Tech Support Team?

No news from Oculus tech...

Not applicable
Same here
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