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Oculus Rift S will not connect properly anymore

Honored Guest
Hello, I've had the Oculus RIft S for a long time now, and recently I've done a bit of a few major upgrades to my PC. Now I expected it to be a little bit hard to get my rift back up and running, but not this hard. So I currently have a Gigabyte Z68X-UD4-B3 motherboard with 16gbs Ram, Intell Core i7-3770k CPU 3.50ghz, and a recently bought Nvidia RTX 2060 Super 8gb. So I know for a fact that all of this is compatible with VR(As my past setup was much lower than these specs), however, I can't get it to connect anymore?

The Rift S does show up in device manager, I have had "some" luck with getting it to recognize both the USB and display port, but after hitting "continue" it then says that the sensors cannot be tracked. (The orange and white light in the goggle area of the headset are turned on, just got the white light to appear, but still no connection)

Yes, I have read all of Oculus's support pages, I've done the steps for both it not connecting, and for the sensors as well. I googled each issue I had, re-installing Oculus(including uninstalling the drivers on D.M.), I did a clean install on my new graphics card, and I even downloaded the USB port drivers just in case.

Is there anyone that could shoot any other solutions my way? At this point I don't know what's going on for it to not recognize the sensor, I've used my Rift S every now and then, nothing too rough, and I've always kept the sensors away from sunlight.
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