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Oculus Rift headset not detected on initial boot. A solution

Honored Guest

I have two separate Oculus Rift systems, a Win 10 PC with a GTX 1070 card and a new Win 11 system with a GTX 3070. I run both CV1 and Rift S on each.

I was having the same problem on both systems and both Rifts with the USB element of the Rift not being recognised. After booting the PC and starting the Oculus software I was getting a red warning flag in Devices and a Windows error message saying the last USB device was not recognised, plus a yellow warning triangle for USB hub in device manager. Selecting the active Rift in the Oculus software, I saw a green connected for the Rift but a red USB connection not working warning. Disconnect the USB and plug into a new USB and the Rift comes up Active and connected and works normally.

I've done a lot of forum chasing and there are a number of posts out there describing the same issue. Some have even gone as far as junking kit or returning headsets. After a lot of investigation I have come up with solutions I thought I would share.

It seems to be a power issue on boot up. Windows does not detect the USB side of the Rift headset and sets an Error 43, USB not recognised. 

The older Win 10 machine proved easiest to solve. If I connect the headset to the graphics card as normal and the USB into the red USB 3.1 to the rear, the system boots up normally and the headset is detected. Any of the other USBs generate the error which also shows as a yellow triangle in device manager.

The newer PC has no red USB port just a variety of blue 3.0/3.1. None of the ports at the rear or on top would give a good boot up but once the the USB not recognised error was set, disconnecting the USB lead and reconnecting into another USB port achieved a connection. Not the end of the world but frustrating. 

I solved the problem by buying a powered USB hub - the type that plugs into mains electricity. The system now boots correctly with both CV1 and Rift S. So bottom line, it's not a Rift issue, it's Windows/power which causes a software error. The powered hub worked for me.

Hope this helps.

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