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Oculus Software not installing to another drive

Hi all,
So at this point, can we install oculus software to a different drive and directory than c:/Program Files/Oculus/Software or not?  When the Oculus setup asks where I want to install VR apps, I select g:/Oculus/Software but then then when I click next it says it will install the Oculus software to c:/Program Files/Oculus with not option to select another directory.  No problem here really, but when I install VR apps from the Oculus app, they install into c:/Program Files/Oculus/Software/Software instead of the g: path I had originally chosen.

This is with a CV1, I just updated from the DK2.  I'm on Win 7 64bit.

Grand Champion
That doesn't sound right. Everything should be installed on the drive you choose.
AMD Ryzen 7 1800X | MSI X370 Titanium | G.Skill 16GB DDR4 3200 | EVGA SuperNOVA 1000 | Corsair Hydro H110i Gigabyte RX Vega 64 x2 | Samsung 960 Evo M.2 500GB | Seagate FireCuda SSHD 2TB | Phanteks ENTHOO EVOLV

Heroic Explorer
Yeah, works fine here on 😧 for me.

Dan, did you do a full uninstall of the Oculus software, or install a second version into the G: path? The latter won't work, or at least would be very confusing. When you moved to G:, if all the games etc were still installed then you didn't do it right.

Assuming you have a nice fast Internet connection, uninstall all the Home and delete the folders. Reboot, because Windows always likes that. Install again into your G: path. Should be fine then.

(If you don't have a nice fast internet connection you can copy some stuff from the old to a temp place then to the new once you've got it installed - followup if you need hints 🙂 )

Heroic Explorer

Yeah, works fine here on 😧 for me.

Haha! On the D drive. Thanks, autosmiley.

Thanks for the feedback everyone.  I did do a full uninstall and rebooted before retrying.  I ended up working around this by following the help page that advises to run Oculus setup from the command line with option /drive g: included.  Now all the Oculus software and VR apps are on g:.
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