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Oculus Software stopped loading for no reason

Expert Consultant
The Oculus software stopped working completely for some reason today.  I had used it 5 minutes prior to a reboot and it worked fine, as soon as the system reboots it freezes on the splash screen when you try to load oculus.

I have no clue how to even read all these logs that got gathered.  But one named OculusClientError says:

Renderer proccess crashed, shutting down

Here are my logs, how can I fix this?


Expert Consultant
Oculus, it's pretty ridiculous that the log gatherer creates log files so large they can't even be included with the support ticket because the server times out before it can upload.  Hopefully someone in support that opens that ticket comes here to get the logs because I can NOT include them on the ticket itself.

Expert Consultant
I erased some folder named "sessions" and it allowed me to actually load it again, but I had to go through setup and everything all over again.  I tested it out on Onward and it worked fine, but when I go to exit it wouldn't go back to windows, it went to black screens, i could only open task manager and kill off tasks.  Nothing came back so I killed off all OVR services and nothing, I had to reboot the damn machine, then it won't load Oculus again, it's hanging just like it did before.  I need help with this, why does it just stop working randomly?  What is it creating in this sessions folder that is causing it to hang?

Expert Consultant
I have no idea why, but it just started working again.  It fixed itself which I certainly don't trust, but at least it's working again.

You need any help mate then don't forget to tag @cybereality so he can read your logs here 😉
A PC with lots of gadgets inside and a thing to see in 3D that you put on your head.

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