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Oculus TrayTool - SuperSampling profiles, HMD disconnect fixes (hopefully)

Rising Star
Oculus Tray Tool  
current version: 0.87.3

What is it?
In short; It’s a free application that helps you get the most out of your Rift. It is developed by me, ApollyonVR, with the support of the community for beta testing. Please note that this application is not an official piece software from Oculus, I am not affiliated with Oculus in any way. Any issues you
have with this application should be reported to me and not Oculus support. You can reach me here on the forums or by contacting me at *REDACTED*

Oculus Tray Tool (OTT) has many features that will hopefully help you get the very best VR experience. It has options that help you automatically switch audio and microphone to the Rift and back, handle the Oculus runtime service, voice commands, batch import Steam games (added to OTT by the awesome @headkaze over at, replace icons for your games and more.

It’s primary feature however, is the ability to create “Profiles” for you VR Games and apps.
Within these Profiles, you set how Asyncronous SpaceWarp (ASW) should act, increase the perceived resolution by using Supersampling and increase the CPU Priority of a given app to get the most juice out of your system for that specific application.
Once a Profile has been created for a game or app, OTT will detect when it is started and apply the
profile for it, without the need for taking your headset of.

If you want to have a peek at all the things OTT can do for you before installing the application, check the User Guide pdf. The latest version of this application will always be right below this intro, but the app also checks for available updates on startup.

Enjoy, have fun and please report any issues, suggestion or feature requests to me using the above mentioned methods. Oh, and feel free to buy me a coffee by using the PayPal button in-app. 🙂
The very nice people over at have been kind enough to host some mirrors for the setups, so make sure to pay them a visit!
UPDATE 03/08

Hi all!
It's been a while since i released a new version, but now the time has come! 😃
I'm looking for ppl who want to test the new version before public release.
There are primarily changes for the Quest but anyone is welcome to test it.
Just drop an email to *REDACTED* and i'll get you a download link
and some instructions. Also include what type of headset (Rift or Quest)
that you are using.


Also, i now have a proper domain for the website, so swing by
and check out the new Forum! If you have questions, comments or suggestions

that is the place to post them. 😃


Below are the release notes for the new version. Please note that this is a Beta version

for testing the new features. If you just want to use a stable version of OTT then head

over to and simply download the latest version.


Version 0.87.7
* Oculus Dash will now use the same CPU Priority as what you set for OVR Server.
* Added a "Comments" option to Profiles.
* Implemented Paolod29's code for a permanent AirLink (
* Added more choices to the Quest Link settings for "Bitrate" and "Encode Resolution".
* Added option for "Force Mipmap generation on all layers" on the Game Settings tab.
* Added option for "Offset Mipmap bias on all layers" on the Game Settings tab.
* Added option for "Force Mipmap generation on all layers" to Profiles.
* Added option for "Offset Mipmap bias on all layers" to Profiles.
* Added option for "Encode Dynamic Bitrate" on the Quest Link tab.
* Added option for "Dynamic Bitrate Max" on the Quest Link tab.
* Added "FOV Multiplier" to Profiles. Setting this to a value lower than 1, for example 0.8,
will increase FPS due to less pixels being drawn at the expense of lower FOV.
* When creating a brand new Profile, the current settings from the Game Settings tab will be used.
This will make it even easier to create a new Profile! Simply experiment with different settings
on the Game Settings tab, and when you have found the perfect combo for a given game those
settings are copied over when you click "Create new Profile".

* Added option to Disable profiles.

* Redesigned the Profiles window a bit.
* Fixed some bugs.

1,867 REPLIES 1,867


Tykero said:

For some reason, when I try to "Add SteamVR to Home", I get a pop up message that says "No current row" and then the SteamVR injector UI appears, but with no games to select. I had previously replaced a program with SteamVR, but it disappeared for some reason and this started happening. Anyone have any ideas?

Whilst this may have been a great function pre OH 1.17, Why use it now when OH 1.17 has native Steam VR and 3rd party app integration?

Honored Guest

Tykero said:

For some reason, when I try to "Add SteamVR to Home", I get a pop up message that says "No current row" and then the SteamVR injector UI appears, but with no games to select. I had previously replaced a program with SteamVR, but it disappeared for some reason and this started happening. Anyone have any ideas?

Whilst this may have been a great function pre OH 1.17, Why use it now when OH 1.17 has native Steam VR and 3rd party app integration?

I haven't had much luck with it reliably adding 3rd party apps or Steam VR to my library in OH.

Any idea how to supersample steamvr game? I am talking about hot dogs, horseshoes, hand grenades


HiCZoK said:

Any idea how to supersample steamvr game? I am talking about hot dogs, horseshoes, hand grenades

If a profile is not working try setting the global SS value. I have had to do this with a couple of games. 

Expert Protege

Not applicable
OTT 0.80 (previous versions did this too) fails to access the Oculus library if it's stored in a mounted folder. In my case I have one of my SSDs mounted as C:\Games and told the Oculus software to store Apps in C:\Games\Oculus. OTT tries to read the manifests from C:\Oculus\Software since it apparently sees the folder relative to the volume that's mounted in C:\Games.

Honored Guest
Noticed a bug (posted on reddit that I can duplicate it).  When Browsing for a replacement "Icon" image for a game (Subnautica for example won't load, so I downloaded from Google Drive link), after clicking "Use This" it deletes everything in said folder... Luckily I saved the images to their own folder before doing this... someone else in reddit lost their entire download folder.

Expert Protege

CJDJ said:

Noticed a bug (posted on reddit that I can duplicate it).  When Browsing for a replacement "Icon" image for a game (Subnautica for example won't load, so I downloaded from Google Drive link), after clicking "Use This" it deletes everything in said folder... Luckily I saved the images to their own folder before doing this... someone else in reddit lost their entire download folder.

I love this tool, but PLEASE POST A WARNING ABOUT THE BUG CJDJ MENTIONED! I also just lot my whole download folder because of this, where I unfortunately had a TON of large files stored. 😞 !

Rising Star
I've removed the download link, will take a look at this issue and fix it. So sorry about this, will update when i have a chance to take a look at it.

Rising Star
PLEASE DO NOT use the icon replacement feature as it is broken and might cause your download folder to get deleted. I have found the issue and will fix it but do not use this in version 0.80!
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