05:12 AM
- last edited on
06:22 AM
Hi all!
It's been a while since i released a new version, but now the time has come! 😃
I'm looking for ppl who want to test the new version before public release.
There are primarily changes for the Quest but anyone is welcome to test it.
Just drop an email to *REDACTED* and i'll get you a download link
and some instructions. Also include what type of headset (Rift or Quest)
that you are using.
Also, i now have a proper domain for the website, so swing by www.ApollyonVR.com
and check out the new Forum! If you have questions, comments or suggestions
that is the place to post them. 😃
Below are the release notes for the new version. Please note that this is a Beta version
for testing the new features. If you just want to use a stable version of OTT then head
over to www.apollyonvr.com and simply download the latest version.
Version 0.87.7
* Oculus Dash will now use the same CPU Priority as what you set for OVR Server.
* Added a "Comments" option to Profiles.
* Implemented Paolod29's code for a permanent AirLink (https://github.com/pd29/oculus-airlink-enabler).
* Added more choices to the Quest Link settings for "Bitrate" and "Encode Resolution".
* Added option for "Force Mipmap generation on all layers" on the Game Settings tab.
* Added option for "Offset Mipmap bias on all layers" on the Game Settings tab.
* Added option for "Force Mipmap generation on all layers" to Profiles.
* Added option for "Offset Mipmap bias on all layers" to Profiles.
* Added option for "Encode Dynamic Bitrate" on the Quest Link tab.
* Added option for "Dynamic Bitrate Max" on the Quest Link tab.
* Added "FOV Multiplier" to Profiles. Setting this to a value lower than 1, for example 0.8,
will increase FPS due to less pixels being drawn at the expense of lower FOV.
* When creating a brand new Profile, the current settings from the Game Settings tab will be used.
This will make it even easier to create a new Profile! Simply experiment with different settings
on the Game Settings tab, and when you have found the perfect combo for a given game those
settings are copied over when you click "Create new Profile".
* Added option to Disable profiles.
* Redesigned the Profiles window a bit.
* Fixed some bugs.
05-15-2021 03:15 PM
@tolgayilmaz86 I just tried to download the latest version from the OTT website no problem. Maybe check your virus checker and/or firewall is not the problem.
Also, some servers can be down for maintenance occasionally so maybe try again later.
05-16-2021 05:56 AM
Hi just checked the source links I got SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG error on firefox (on edge as well)
Since I'm having no issues on other versions decided to investigate further and compared the workink link(0.87.3) and encountered a difference like below.
When I changed the usrfiles.com -> filesusr.com I was able to download 0.87.4.
Just reporting in case.
05-16-2021 06:20 AM
I had no problems using Chrome.
05-19-2021 03:08 PM - edited 05-19-2021 03:09 PM
Hi @ApollyonVR
Any way to render in one screen on Rift CV1 (monocular rendering)?
I Know can sound strange ask for this, but some people blind of an eye are looking for a solution to improve performance.
Thanks in advice.
07-15-2021 05:44 AM - edited 07-16-2021 04:21 AM
Any idea why TT does not save OVR server Priortiy? I set it to High and save each time I've started it despite; it shows up with an empty field of priority each time again?
10-06-2021 09:55 AM
oculus homeless not working with airlink
10-06-2021 03:00 PM
@markhollis You do not really need the homeless option anymore. Just go to your Oculus desktop app settings general tab and at the bottom, disable start in Oculus Home. Next time you will then startup in a homeless void. You can still access your home using the dashboard menu.
@tolgayilmaz86 Maybe drill down your oculus runtime to see what the ovr64 services are set to. Maybe it just remembers this. Personally I have never seen any advantages to increasing this above Normal (default). I have noticed that sometimes this OTT menu is blank but when I drill down to check it the priority is normal. With current win10 updates you really do not need to much around with these anymore imho. BTW, I also use OTT to turn on my Oculus runtime services when I start up OTT and stop them when I exit OTT.
10-07-2021 11:49 PM
Is it a possibility that you can make a function to have AirLink always active? It's so annoying having to go in to options all the time.
11-27-2021 06:50 PM
As a feature request, could we get profiles for air link vs wired link, so that the encoding bit rate is automatically adjusted?
01-16-2022 04:02 PM
Using OTT to super sample seems to cause a massive issue with Dash now. It seems to be worse when you use the game profiles to set a different SS than the default. Anytime there's a dash notification while playing, the game freezes up for several seconds. This is on Quest 2 wired with 1.5x render resolution with a 3080. Even if I just set SS to 1.2 the game will freeze up if Dash pops up (otherwise performance is fine). Any fix or workaround?
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