05:12 AM
- last edited on
06:22 AM
Hi all!
It's been a while since i released a new version, but now the time has come! 😃
I'm looking for ppl who want to test the new version before public release.
There are primarily changes for the Quest but anyone is welcome to test it.
Just drop an email to *REDACTED* and i'll get you a download link
and some instructions. Also include what type of headset (Rift or Quest)
that you are using.
Also, i now have a proper domain for the website, so swing by www.ApollyonVR.com
and check out the new Forum! If you have questions, comments or suggestions
that is the place to post them. 😃
Below are the release notes for the new version. Please note that this is a Beta version
for testing the new features. If you just want to use a stable version of OTT then head
over to www.apollyonvr.com and simply download the latest version.
Version 0.87.7
* Oculus Dash will now use the same CPU Priority as what you set for OVR Server.
* Added a "Comments" option to Profiles.
* Implemented Paolod29's code for a permanent AirLink (https://github.com/pd29/oculus-airlink-enabler).
* Added more choices to the Quest Link settings for "Bitrate" and "Encode Resolution".
* Added option for "Force Mipmap generation on all layers" on the Game Settings tab.
* Added option for "Offset Mipmap bias on all layers" on the Game Settings tab.
* Added option for "Force Mipmap generation on all layers" to Profiles.
* Added option for "Offset Mipmap bias on all layers" to Profiles.
* Added option for "Encode Dynamic Bitrate" on the Quest Link tab.
* Added option for "Dynamic Bitrate Max" on the Quest Link tab.
* Added "FOV Multiplier" to Profiles. Setting this to a value lower than 1, for example 0.8,
will increase FPS due to less pixels being drawn at the expense of lower FOV.
* When creating a brand new Profile, the current settings from the Game Settings tab will be used.
This will make it even easier to create a new Profile! Simply experiment with different settings
on the Game Settings tab, and when you have found the perfect combo for a given game those
settings are copied over when you click "Create new Profile".
* Added option to Disable profiles.
* Redesigned the Profiles window a bit.
* Fixed some bugs.
01-27-2022 07:59 PM - edited 01-27-2022 07:59 PM
@Tbone I've found it best with my Q2/rtx3090 to forget about using any SS with OTT now. Just put in 0 (zero), rest defaults, and use your Oculus pc Desktop device graphics settings and ODT setting to max your game clarity and performance. You can also apply in-game settings if they are available and you still have headroom. For SteamVR manually set visuals to 100% and disable advanced super sample filtering. I still use a few OTT game profiles in order to set different ASW options, esp with flight sims. I also use the OTT audio switcher because I find it a little more reliable.
02-16-2022 12:04 AM
seems like the Steam library import function relies on your Steam library to be located in the default path but not any other location like external drive
could you fix it?
05-03-2022 06:49 AM
Any chance that you can make this tool open source? I would like to be able to view and build the source code myself
05-13-2022 11:38 PM
Been away awhile, im pretty sure you could turn off the oculus service when exiting the oculus app? seems like it only happens when exiting OTT now.
05-14-2022 12:10 AM - edited 05-14-2022 12:17 AM
I have absolutely no problems using OTT, but I'm using an older version, maybe 0.84 or close.
I'm forcing ss 2.5 globally and reduce for a few select games. All games work perfectly, including new games like Cosmonious High and Tentacular.
And I'm using the Rift CV1.
Btw, since 2017 my OTT has been set to start minimized everytime Win10 starts - also never had any issues with that. I'm still using an older version of OTT, because I do not fix things that work flawlessly.
Oculus Rift CV1, Valve Index & PSVR2, Asus Strix OC RTX™ 3090, i9-10900K (5.3Ghz), 32GB 3200MHz, 16TB SSD
"Ask not what VR can do for you, but what you can do for VR"
05-14-2022 01:33 AM
I don’t have a problem either but I’m pretty sure you could stop oculus service running soon as you closed the oculus app. As it stands you HAVE to exit OTT for it to stop the oculus service which why would I want to close the OTT for? This new update on OTT makes me have to close it as I don’t want oculus service running when not using it.
05-14-2022 07:03 PM
@MrBluePlaydoh I use the Oculus runtime ovr on/off option when starting up and shutting down OTT all the time because this makes it easier to switch between my 2x PCVR headsets (Vive Pro and Q2). The VP1 Link Box on/off power button also helps. I don't recommend starting up OTT with Win10 btw since this does not add any value to me. I just have OTT pined to my win10 lower taskbar, next to my Oculus desktop app and startup OTT, then Oculus.
I also use the OTT audio switching options as well as some game profiles to finetune ASW and SS settings. I recently started using FOV at 0.90:0.85 as well and this has given me a bit of a performance boost, without any actual FOV changes that I can see.
08-19-2022 08:57 AM
With the latest version, Oculus Link profiles no longer work?
10-03-2022 09:50 AM
Hello Apollyon,
Its possible to change the "FOV Multiplier" on OTT instead to be a square crop to be a circle crop??!!
Thanks so much for your work
10-06-2023 02:56 PM
Is the app still developed, or is it dead?
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