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Oculus bundle (hmd, 2 sensors, touch) usb connection. Have only two usb3 ports

Hey guys!

My bundle is on the way and I am wondering if my motherboard is good enough.
I have two usb3.0 etron ports in motherboard and ofcourse a lot of usb2.0 ports.
But it's required to have three usb3.0 ports.

So either one sensor or hmd have to be on usb 2.0


You need the innatech expansion card for more usb 3.0 i am at work but just look in this forum for links
Look, man. I only need to know one thing: where they are. 

I thought you only needed one USB 3 for the RIFT and the other connections could be on USB 2. If the sensors are both in USB 2, what do you miss? Do they get slower or something?

I run my rift on 2 usb 3.0s and my third sensor on usb 2.0. Its fine to run it like that

Not applicable

I run my rift on 2 usb 3.0s and my third sensor on usb 2.0. Its fine to run it like that

Something doesn't add up 😘
Rift + 2 sensors = 3 USB ports

that innatech is not available in Poland.

But maybe I don't need any expansion card? cant I conntect rift to usb2 and two sensors to usb3?

Expert Trustee
Buy a powered usb hub thats what I did and it works fine.

While usb 3 is better for rift sensors, they work ok with usb 2.
Author: Oculus Monitor,  Auto Oculus Touch,  Forum Dark Mode, Phantom Touch Remover,  X-Plane Fixer
Hardware: Threadripper 1950x, MSI Gaming Trio 2080TI, Asrock X399 Taich
Headsets: Wrap 1200VR, DK1, DK2, CV1, Rift-S, GearVR, Go, Quest, Quest 2, Reverb G2, Quest 3

Each motherboard USB3.0 connector will support two 3.0 ports.  It sounds like you have at least one of those open - buy a back panel bracket to connect to the MB and you'll have two more ports.


steveco99 said:

Each motherboard USB3.0 connector will support two 3.0 ports.  It sounds like you have at least one of those open - buy a back panel bracket to connect to the MB and you'll have two more ports.

It's an old asrock p67 pro3 from 2012... It have only 2 usb3 out the back and no headers.

Why wouldn't random usb3 pci card work ?
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