10-08-2021 09:37 PM
Headset was working fine, now it just will not start up at aLL. Volume works, white light showing. Connections are good (both ends) But the renderer keeps crashing and does not load anything. Very expensive piece of hardware. Very disappointed.
I have tried uninstalling and removing all app/programme data and starting again but nothing. Just a black screen everytime.
10-10-2021 11:53 AM
Hey Fredmla,
We're happy to look in to getting your Oculus working as expected again. We see you're getting an error message, followed by the Oculus app crashing, and that you've already tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Oculus Home app. Not to worry, we'll get this figured out together.
First, let's see if repairing the Oculus app fixes the issue. This article explains how to do that: How do I repair the Oculus app on my computer?
Next, try using a different USB 3.0 port on your PC. You'll also want to make sure that you have USB power settings in Windows Device Manager disabled. Here's how:
If those steps didn't get the issue fixed, we'd like to know a bit more about your configuration. Please reply with the following::
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