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Oculus medium does no more start


Hi, I have bought oculus medium last year and it worked perfectly with link and my quest 1.


I didn t use it for a while and now I have a quest 2 and it s imosible to start the app without getting a start error "can t launch oculus medium" I tried with link, airlink and virtual desktop.

worked perfectly before.

Do someone have the same problem or better, the solution.


Thank s


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there @yark1988, we understand your frustrations with not being able to launch an app you've already had. At this time, it looks like Oculus Medium is no longer supported. You can see this on the oculus website when you go to Oculus Medium.

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Im trying to run it in my Oculus RiftS and have the same error. In the websie it says its supposed to run.

Is the app completely not working?? 

Hi there, Bernardo. We see you're having the same startup issue with Oculus Medium. You're right, the app is supposed to run on your Rift S. According to the release notes of the latest version of the app, there was supposed to be a patch that fixes this startup crash some users were experiencing.


With this information, we recommend making sure you have the latest version of this app installed ( If you find that you do have the most recent version and your issue persists, please try the following:

  • Uninstall and reinstall the app
  • Restart your device

If you are still having issues with this app not working, please reach out to the developers here

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Hi, I think you found the answer but for other pp with the same problem.,=> if you have installed medium before 2021, you likely have a none supported version of it. You just have to uninstal your version and look for the new version in the store. This worked for me. The new version was free for me.

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