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Oculus quest 2 beat saber not working

Honored Guest

Beat saber comes on. Music plays but no blocks or any of the game. Was working great last time I played. It will work online but nothing else!


Accepted Solutions

When the cubes are gone, the reason is somehow zen mode is selected inside the modifier menu. If you go to the modifier menu and unselect it, it should work 🙂

View solution in original post


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey @Sunflowerregie! We hate to see you're not able to play Beat Saber. This certainly sounds like it would be a hinderance to your VR gaming experience, so let's get this resolved for you! Here are some troubleshooting steps you can try out:

  • Restart the Headset
  • Log out and back into the mobile app to resync the account library
  • Uninstall and re-install the game
  • Make sure you have cloud backup enabled so you don't lose any data, then follow the steps found here to factory reset your device.


We hope this helps!

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi there! Were you able to get Beat Saber working? If not, let us know! We'd love to help get you back in the game.

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Honored Guest

Yeah I have the same problem, excaclty the same problem, the blocks are showing in the very 1 wave and then you cant see them or you see a little small part of it like a corner or triangle but impossible to hit so the the game is pretty much completely unplayable 😞
Really sad is an or WAS an awesome family game especially for the small ones and even me 47 I enjoy it very much 🙂
Please fix it, none of what you suggest solves it

Hey there, @InoiTroriak! We're sad to hear that the suggested troubleshooting didn't help. We'd recommend reaching out to us through the Meta Store Support website so we can look into more options for you. We'll be looking forward to hearing from you! 

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I am also having this problem, I have done all that was listed. Haven’t been able to play this game once since I bought it. We get in stand with the sabers and nothing happens. 

Hey there, @sofie.327648! We see that you are experiencing issues in getting Beat Saber to work on your Meta Quest 2 device. We're here to troubleshoot and get you back to slashing those beats! Let's make sure we're on the same page, here's what we need to know. Please continue with the following:

  • Does this happen only to this app or to others too?
  • Have you had this issue since you bought the game?
If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Hello @sofie.327648! Hopefully you were able to get back to jamming on Beat Saber! We're here if need any more help. 

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!


Hello, same problem here, is there an updated solution to this issue?

When I clicked on "the steps found here to factory reset your device" I get the message "This page isn't available.



Hey there, @BinzyBoy. We know how concerning it can be when a game isn't working properly, and we'd be glad to provide alternative steps to factory reset your device so you can get back into the game! We'll list out the steps for performing a factory reset from the headset as well as from the mobile app, let us know how it turns out! 

From the Headset:

  • Power off the headset.
  • Press and hold volume down & Power.
  • This will boot into the USB Update Mode menu.
  • Press volume button to move selection, press power button to make the selection.
  • Navigate to Factory Reset and press the Power button.
  • The device should now begin the Factory Reset process.


From the mobile app:

  • Open the mobile app on the paired device
  • Tap Menu
  • Tap Settings
  • Select the paired Meta device
  • Tap More Settings
  • Tap Factory Reset
  • The device should now begin the Factory Reset process.
If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!
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