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Oculus quest 2 link keeps disconnecting and reconnecting

Honored Guest
So, first of all, i first tried to use link with the usb3.0 ports on my motherboard. Those did recognise my quest 2 and the oculus app on my pc also recognised it and said everything was fine. i tried to use it and i got the black screen and nothing else. apparently that was because the chipset of my usb3.0 ports are not supported. so i tried the usb2.0 ports on my motherboard. All of those worked, but of course, i was stuck to 72hz with that and the app keeps saying that i need to go to usb3.0 for the best experience. So i tried the usb3.0 ports of my pc case. these were apparently from intel and should work, but they didn't. ones i plugged in my cable in the usb3.0 port and my quest 2, i kept hearing the sound windows makes when a usb device is connected and disconnected. i heard this constantly about 3 times a second, in other word, it was very fast. also, the oculus app on my pc wouldn't  recognise my quest 2 while using these ports. And i only got the allow device acces to the quest 2's data prompt on my quest 2, which would disappear and reappear every second. i managed to click deny a couple of times and it would show the prompt to allow link. so that was annoying. My usb drivers are updated and within device manager i also disabled "allow windows to turn off this device to save power" option on all of my usb ports. So far all 4 of my usb3.0 ports didn't work and still all of my usb2.0 ports did work. I did want 90hz because i know that i way less nauseous and dizzy from it. So i thought id buy a usb3.0 PCI-E expansion card. i wanted to be sure i was getting one that would work after the amount of time i have already spent on this and i was starting to get irritated. so i looked up what kind of expansion card i should get. Oculus says that you need one with the Fresco Logic FL1100 chipset. so i went to look for one. eventually i bought this one: 

Inateck PCIe USB 3.0 card 4 ports with 2 SATA power cables, KTU3FR-4P

it has the correct chipset and so should work. i bought it and 2 days later it came in my mail. i installed it in my pc. i tried it out and it worked. for about 3 minutes. than my pc froze. i restarted it and it didn't work anymore. i tried to plug in my cable into the usb3.0 port on the card and the other in into my oculus quest 2, the oculus app on my pc did not recognise it anymore. And it started to disconnect and reconnect about 3 times every second. just like the port on the front of my case. while plugged in, my oculus quest 2 did charge though, which i found weird. after this i installed new drivers for my usb expansion card. it did nothing. one time however, the oculus app did recognise my quest 2 but said the port was usb2.0, but after either reinserting or rebooting my pc (i cant remember which one i did) it didn't recognise it anymore and just keeps on disconnecting and reconnecting. the weird thing is though, that this is the case only with my quest 2, any other usb device, like my headset, keyboard or mouse, work just fine with the ports. The ones from the expansion card and the one from my motherboard. so now I'm stuck with a oculus quest 2 that i cant connect using usb3.0 but i can use it with 2.0. 

oh, and also, I'm using the Anker 3m cable recommended by oculus.

can someone please help me.
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