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Oculus quest 2 replacement controllers not a thing

Honored Guest

There are no controllers left or right replacement controllers for sale and hasn't been for 9 months. The only way to replace your controllers for drift or buttons not working properly is to buy another 400.00$ bundle its a complete scam. This is ridiculous 


Honored Guest

Right now, I’m kinda of worried as my oculus quest 2 product was still under warranty and I contacted support and they sent me a shipping label and so I sent my right controller to them, in Czech or something, it should be arriving to them today, but the reason I’m worried is because I’ve seen far too many posts about people having terrible experiences with the replacement procedure, having to wait weeks if not months to hear any update let alone receive the product they’ve been waiting for, I’m kind of thinking it was a bad idea now to have sent it to them, hopefully everything goes well and they send one back soon enough. However the only reason I sent it back was because the drift on the right controller was so bad and I saw a video of a guy talking about how he also had stick drift but he got a replacement nice and easily.

Honored Guest

It's late 2024 and I'm looking for 2 replacement controllers because i found mine laying on the side of the street without them and brought it home to miraculously find that it works perfectly. It was synced to the original user so it worked without controllers using the hand feature. But once I reset it to my account it required controllers to complete setup. I was so excited at first but then found that buying both replacement controllers will cost more than buying another whole setup for the oculus quest 2. I found a pair for $400. *sobbing*

@SpkyGhstKttn  ebay or facebook marketplace are your only options as the Quest 2 has been discontinued.

Do you know someone with a Quest 2 so that you can use their controllers to set yours up and then rely on hand tracking.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR
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