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Oculus quest needs an stationary guardian update allowing manual adjustment.


I need the stationary guardian to be updated, to allow manual adjustsment of the diameter of the stationary  guardian, likely using free hand or joystick to confirm the correct distance, by extending both arms, similar to how we can adjust the floor. Im over 6' ft tall and my wing span is about 78" inches. and this circle is too small for me when my arms are fully extended and i dont want to have to keep redrawing an ulgy circle everytime i want to use the oculus quest  in a different location, becuase it is a portable device. You should recognize that not everyone is the same shape and size and bebmore considerate of such... i would like some feed back to reassure i am not wasting my time and energy typing this ( on the quest , using the joysticks).




Have you tried turning on Stationary Guardian 2.0 in Experimental Features? It stops the grid from triggering when your controllers touch the boundary, and just goes to passthrough mode if your headset crosses out of the Guardian.

DK2, CV1, Go, Quest, Quest 2, Quest 3.

Try my game: Cyclops Island Demo



i am sorry, i may have wrote that in a way in which you obviously misunderstood. I want an update to the current 'stationary guardian' that allows manual and/or automatic adjustment to the guardian's width/diameter in my case to be wider, because i am bigger than the fixed circle given as the boundary, especially when my arms are fully extended. so, from my understanding, what you are implying, i might as well just turn off the boundary all together as developer, if that is the case. allowing a passthrough especially without seeing the boundary make its purpose redundant. i do not want to punch the walls, hurt myself or break things around me while im using this device. And i dont want to have to keep drawing a funky shape circle every time i want to use this device. i feel this current setup of the stationary boundary is bias and exclusive


I understood what you were asking for, and I was suggesting a feature of which you may not be aware, which might solve your problem. Your complaint is that the default circle is too small for your armspan. I too have arms too long for the circle size, and was often annoyed by the Guardian grid lighting up constantly.  The new version doesn’t light up the grid based on your controllers, but only warns you if your head moves enough to leave the circle. For stationary use (i.e. sitting in a chair), this makes more sense than the old version.


If punching walls and breaking things is a concern, then you shouldn’t be using the stationary guardian. It only takes a few seconds to draw out a boundary that keeps you away from specific obstructions, and is probably more straightforward than trying to safely place a larger stationary circle among walls and breakables.

DK2, CV1, Go, Quest, Quest 2, Quest 3.

Try my game: Cyclops Island Demo

Well like I said before, (since you understood) your suggestion and assumption is not only incorrect, redundant and useless to me and what I am asking of the developers (who will never read this of course) but also I now have my assumption that you are just trying to find your place in life by trolling me by gain saying: "If punching walls and breaking things is a concern, then you shouldn’t be using the stationary guardian" that comment made no sense, because that is the main purpose for the guardian, and you dont know what's in my space and you obviouslydidnt read much of what I wrote becauseyou're going against everything I said I don't want. who are you? because I feel like you are harassing me.


If punching and breaking things is a concern, you shouldn’t be using the Stationary Guardian. You should be using the Roomscale Guardian. This isn’t a problem with the tool, it’s a case of using the wrong tool for the job. Anyway, you don’t seem to want constructive suggestions, so I’ll leave you to it.

DK2, CV1, Go, Quest, Quest 2, Quest 3.

Try my game: Cyclops Island Demo


Sorry if I came off rude the last time, but yea you are no help at all as well as giving false information. You can keep repeating what you say over and over as if I cant go back read what you wrote, but then again you didnt read what I wrote so why should I expect you to go back to make sure you wasnt mistaken or you would have never made you last couple of comments to win an argument that only you are having because I'm lookinng for a software update a hotfix in the near future to resolve this issue. And as for your false comments: Room scale is for big areas larger than your reach to allow you to walk around large open areas with out traveling into obstructions. Stationary guardian is just that, stationary, (I just need it wider for my size but you are talking about making it invisible, and passthrough, nonbody body part should be out of the boundary that's why it's a boundary it is called a guardian for a reason, so you dont hit things, like in a small room with things in it like a tv and trinkets as well as close walls because games like pistol whip requires some serious movement and swinging my arms around, while taking a step or two makes all the difference.  And I said from the beginning I dont want to have to keep drawing a circle everytime, I should be able to just extend my hands, similar to leveling the floor and height. So you sir I hope do not work for this company because you are no help and made up false ideologies about system software to win an argument that's not ment to be won, Just solved by a developer. Not some random joe trolling to make a point.

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