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Oculus rift error

Honored Guest

I have installed today runtime now I get an error if I want to run the oculus setup.

I hope someone can helping me out

This is my log

"Time": "2016-01-08_22:59:49",
"SDK Version": "",
"Service Protocol": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 3,
"Patch": 0
"RemoteProtocolVersion": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 3,
"Patch": 0
"Service Running Time": {
"Hours": 0,
"Minutes": 15,
"Seconds": 48
"System Specifications": {
"Operating System": "Microsoft Windows 7 Professional ",
"Processor": "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz",
"Graphics Adapters": [{
"Name": "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970",
"Video Controller RAM (MB)": 4095,
"Driver Version": "",
"Video Mode": "1920 x 1080 x 4294967296 Farben"
"Total RAM (GB)": 8,
"USB Tree": [{
"name": "ASMedia XHCI Controller",
"deviceid": "PCI\\VEN_1B21&DEV_1042&SUBSYS_84881043&REV_00\\4&108ABD8A&0&00E4",
"caption": "ASMedia XHCI Controller",
"manufacturer": "ASMedia Technology Inc",
"Devices": [{
"manufacturer": "(Standard USB Host Controller)",
"name": "USB Root Hub"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Generic USB Hub)",
"name": "Generic USB Hub"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standardsystemger�te)",
"name": "USB-Eingabeger�t"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standardsystemger�te)",
"name": "HID-konformes Ger�t"
}, {
"name": "ASMedia XHCI Controller",
"deviceid": "PCI\\VEN_1B21&DEV_1042&SUBSYS_84881043&REV_00\\4&DDEC341&0&00E1",
"caption": "ASMedia XHCI Controller",
"manufacturer": "ASMedia Technology Inc",
"Devices": [{
"manufacturer": "(Standard USB Host Controller)",
"name": "USB Root Hub"
}, {
"name": "Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 1C26",
"deviceid": "PCI\\VEN_8086&DEV_1C26&SUBSYS_844D1043&REV_05\\3&11583659&0&E8",
"caption": "Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 1C26",
"manufacturer": "Intel",
"Devices": [{
"manufacturer": "(Standard-USB-Hostcontroller)",
"name": "USB-Root-Hub"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Generic USB Hub)",
"name": "Generic USB Hub"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standard-USB-Hostcontroller)",
"name": "USB-Verbundger�t"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standardsystemger�te)",
"name": "USB-Eingabeger�t"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Microsoft",
"name": "HID-konforme Maus"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Microsoft",
"name": "HID-konformes Benutzersteuerger�t"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standardsystemger�te)",
"name": "HID-konformes Ger�t"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standardsystemger�te)",
"name": "HID-konformes Ger�t"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standardsystemger�te)",
"name": "USB-Eingabeger�t"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standardtastaturen)",
"name": "HID-Tastatur"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standard-USB-Hostcontroller)",
"name": "USB-Verbundger�t"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Canon",
"name": "Canon MG5100 ser"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Microsoft",
"name": "USB-Druckerunterst�tzung"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Canon",
"name": "Canon MG5100 series Printer"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Kompatibles USB-Speicherger�t",
"name": "USB-Massenspeicherger�t"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standardlaufwerke)",
"name": "Canon MG5100 series USB Device"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standard-USB-Hostcontroller)",
"name": "USB-Verbundger�t"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standardsystemger�te)",
"name": "USB-Eingabeger�t"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standardtastaturen)",
"name": "HID-Tastatur"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standardsystemger�te)",
"name": "USB-Eingabeger�t"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Microsoft",
"name": "HID-konformes Benutzersteuerger�t"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standardsystemger�te)",
"name": "HID-konformes Ger�t"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standard-USB-Hostcontroller)",
"name": "USB-Verbundger�t"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standard-USB-Audio)",
"name": "RODE NT-USB"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standardsystemger�te)",
"name": "USB-Eingabeger�t"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Microsoft",
"name": "HID-konformes Benutzersteuerger�t"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standardsystemger�te)",
"name": "HID-konformes Ger�t"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standard-USB-Hostcontroller)",
"name": "USB-Verbundger�t"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Oculus VR",
"name": "Oculus Video Camera"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Logitech",
"name": "Logitech USB Camera (HD Webcam C270)"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Logitech",
"name": "Logitech HD Webcam C270"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Logitech",
"name": "HD Webcam C270"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Atheros Communications",
"name": "ASUS Bluetooth"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Microsoft",
"name": "Bluetooth-Ger�t (RFCOMM-Protokoll-TDI)"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Microsoft",
"name": "Microsoft Bluetooth-Auflistung"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Atheros Communications",
"name": "Bluetooth OPP"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Atheros Communications",
"name": "Bluetooth FTP"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Atheros Communications",
"name": "Bluetooth A2DP Source"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Atheros Communications",
"name": "Bluetooth AV Remote Control Target"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Atheros Communications",
"name": "Bluetooth Advanced Remote Control Service"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Atheros Communications",
"name": "Bluetooth Handsfree Audio Gateway"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Atheros Communications",
"name": "Bluetooth Message Access Profile Server"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Bluetooth Message Access Profile Server",
"name": "Bluetooth-Peripherieger�t"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Bluetooth-Peripherieger�t",
"name": "Bluetooth-Peripherieger�t"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Atheros Communications",
"name": "Bluetooth AVRCP Device"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Microsoft",
"name": "HID-konformes Benutzersteuerger�t"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Atheros Communications",
"name": "Bluetooth Audio Device"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Atheros Communications",
"name": "Bluetooth Hard Copy Cable Replacement Server"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Atheros Communications",
"name": "Virtual Bluetooth Support"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Atheros Communications",
"name": "Bluetooth LWFLT Device"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Microsoft",
"name": "Bluetooth-Ger�t (PAN)"
}, {
"name": "Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 1C2D",
"deviceid": "PCI\\VEN_8086&DEV_1C2D&SUBSYS_844D1043&REV_05\\3&11583659&0&D0",
"caption": "Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 1C2D",
"manufacturer": "Intel",
"Devices": [{
"manufacturer": "(Standard-USB-Hostcontroller)",
"name": "USB-Root-Hub"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Generic USB Hub)",
"name": "Generic USB Hub"
"Drivers": [{
"Path": "\\system32\\OVRDisplay64.dll",
"Version": ""
}, {
"Path": "\\system32\\OVRDisplayRT64.dll",
"Version": ""
}, {
"Path": "\\syswow64\\OVRDisplay32.dll",
"Version": ""
}, {
"Path": "\\syswow64\\OVRDisplayRT32.dll",
"Version": ""
}, {
"Path": "\\system32\\drivers\\RiftEnabler.sys",
"Version": ""
}, {
"Path": "\\system32\\OVRDisplay32.dll",
"Version": ""
}, {
"Path": "\\system32\\OVRDisplayRT32.dll",
"Version": ""
}, {
"Path": "\\system32\\drivers\\OCUSBVID.sys",
"Version": ""
"Video Device Tree": [{
"Name": "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970",
"VRAM (MB)": 4008,
"Monitors": [{
"Name": "\\\\.\\DISPLAY1",
"Width": 1920,
"Height": 1080,
"Refresh Rate": 60
}, {
"Name": "\\\\.\\DISPLAY2",
"Width": 1920,
"Height": 1080,
"Refresh Rate": 60
"Devices": [{
"Product ID": 33,
"Product Name": "Oculus Rift DK2",
"Manufacturer": "Oculus VR",
"Serial Number": "204NXA051W8G",
"Vendor ID": 10291,
"EDID Serial": "MSCEM7R6K9DAK",
"Resolution Height": 1080,
"Resolution Width": 1920,
"Firmware": {
"Major": 2,
"Minor": 12
"Frustum": {
"Far Z Metres": 2.500000,
"H Fov Radians": 1.291544,
"Near Z Metres": 0.400000,
"V Fov Radians": 0.942478
"Positional Tracker": {
"Calibration Value": "3f800000 00000000 43f00000 443c0000 442c4ea2 43c28893 436953ff 42a988b8 42870893 befdcb28 3e9dff2b bdef81bb 3a1562b2 b9efb643",
"Serial": "214NXA051W8G",
"UUID": "MSCEM7R6K9DAKH006200",
"Firmware Version": {
"Major": 0,
"Minor": 0,
"Build": 1

And the error

Exception Info
Exception report file: C:\Users\Sakura13\AppData\Roaming\Oculus\Configuration Utility\Exception Report (2016-01-08 21.57.44).txt
Exception minidump file: C:\Users\Sakura13\AppData\Roaming\Oculus\Configuration Utility\Exception Minidump (2016-01-08 21.57.44).mdmp
Time (GMT): 2016/01/08 21:57:44
Time (local): 2016/01/08 22:57:44
Thread name: (not available)
Thread handle: 0x0000030c
Thread sys id: 6956 (0x1b2c)
Exception instruction address: 0x5151143d (see callstack below)
Exception description: ACCESS_VIOLATION writing address 0x00000000
Exception location: NVAPI_Thunk (526093)

App Info
Process path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Oculus\Tools\OculusConfigUtil.exe
App format: 32 bit
App version:

System Info
OS name: Windows 7, version: 6.1 build 7601, 64 bit, platform id: 2, service pack: Service Pack 1
Debugger present: no
Processor count: 8
Processor type: x86-64
Processor level: 6
Processor revision: 10759
Memory load: 35%
Total physical memory: 8168 MiB
Available physical memory: 5247 MiB
Total page file memory: 16335 MiB
Available page file memory: 13119 MiB
Total virtual memory: 2047 MiB
Free virtual memory: 1863 MiB
Display Device 0 name: \\.\DISPLAY1, context: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970, primary: yes, mirroring: no
Display Device 1 name: \\.\DISPLAY2, context: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970, primary: no, mirroring: no
Display Device 2 name: \\.\DISPLAY3, context: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970, primary: no, mirroring: no
Display Device 3 name: \\.\DISPLAY4, context: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970, primary: no, mirroring: no
Display Device 4 name: \\.\DISPLAYV1, context: RDPDD Chained DD, primary: no, mirroring: yes
Display Device 5 name: \\.\DISPLAYV2, context: RDP Encoder Mirror Driver, primary: no, mirroring: yes
Display Device 6 name: \\.\DISPLAYV3, context: RDP Reflector Display Driver, primary: no, mirroring: yes

Display adapter list
Info for display adapter 0
Display Adapter Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
Display Adapter RAM: 3 GiB
Display Adapter DeviceID: VideoController1
Display Adapter DriverVersion:
Display Adapter DriverDate (US format): 11/24/2015
Display Adapter VideoProcessor GeForce GTX 970
Display Adapter VideoModeDescription: 1920 x 1080 x 4294967296 Farben

Thread list
Thread handle: 0x000003a4, id: 6956 (0x1b2c), stack base: 0x003a0000, stack limit: 0x00360000, stack current: 0x0036b9a0, base priority: 8, delta priority: 0, exception thread
7 nvwgf2um.dll 0x5151143d NVAPI_Thunk+526093
8 nvwgf2um.dll 0x51511130 NVAPI_Thunk+525312
9 nvwgf2um.dll 0x5149be07 NVAPI_Thunk+45271
10 nvwgf2um.dll 0x50fd619e OpenAdapter12+839854
11 nvwgf2um.dll 0x51493409 NVAPI_Thunk+9945
12 nvwgf2um.dll 0x516a8b7c NVAPI_Thunk+2195020
13 nvwgf2um.dll 0x50fe7aee OpenAdapter12+911870
14 nvwgf2um.dll 0x50ff23a4 OpenAdapter12+955060
15 OVRDisplay32.dll 0x731918a2 +-1
16 d3d11.dll 0x7291281b D3D11CreateDevice+138452
17 d3d11.dll 0x729128f9 D3D11CreateDevice+138674
18 d3d11.dll 0x72912955 D3D11CreateDevice+138766
19 d3d11.dll 0x728f4c2a D3D11CreateDevice+16611
20 d3d11.dll 0x729052c9 D3D11CreateDevice+83842
21 d3d11.dll 0x72906333 D3D11CreateDevice+88044
22 d3d11.dll 0x728f1afe D3D11CreateDevice+4023
23 d3d11.dll 0x72907a3a D3D11CreateDevice+93939
24 d3d11.dll 0x72907e65 D3D11CreateDevice+95006
25 d3d11.dll 0x729088b3 D3D11CreateDevice+97644
26 d3d11.dll 0x7290a3c5 D3D11CreateDevice+104574
27 d3d11.dll 0x7290a592 D3D11CreateDevice+105035
28 d3d11.dll 0x728f1bfa D3D11CreateDevice+4275
29 d3d11.dll 0x7290c6c8 D3D11CreateDevice+113537
30 d3d11.dll 0x7290cd50 D3D11CreateDevice+115209
31 d3d11.dll 0x7290cf2d D3D11CreateDevice+115686
32 d3d11.dll 0x7290d08e D3D11CreateDevice+116039
33 d3d11.dll 0x7290c002 D3D11CreateDevice+111803
34 dxgi.dll 0x72e7be34 CreateDXGIFactory1+3423
35 dxgi.dll 0x72e78e70 DXGIDumpJournal+9439
36 dxgi.dll 0x72e7a444 DXGIDumpJournal+15027
37 dxgi.dll 0x72e7a713 DXGIDumpJournal+15746
38 dxgi.dll 0x72e7a99d DXGIDumpJournal+16396
39 dxgi.dll 0x72e7b09e DXGIDumpJournal+18189
40 OVRDisplayRT32.dll 0x72644cc8 +-1
41 OculusConfigUtil.exe 0x013d2db9 +-1
42 OculusConfigUtil.exe 0x013ced4e +-1
43 OculusConfigUtil.exe 0x013d0f45 +-1
44 OculusConfigUtil.exe 0x013bd87d +-1
45 OculusConfigUtil.exe 0x013b8f89 +-1
46 OculusConfigUtil.exe 0x013b2d4e +-1
47 OculusConfigUtil.exe 0x013a6c8f +-1
48 OculusConfigUtil.exe 0x013a1bd5 +-1
49 OculusConfigUtil.exe 0x017888ff +-1

Thread handle: 0x000003a4, id: 728 (0x2d8), stack base: 0x011f0000, stack limit: 0x011d0000, stack current: 0x00000000, base priority: 8, delta priority: 0
0 ntdll.dll 0x7706f8c1 NtWaitForSingleObject+21
1 mswsock.dll 0x72d26d30 +-1
2 WS2_32.dll 0x758e6a28 select+159
3 OculusConfigUtil.exe 0x0136dc38 +-1
4 OculusConfigUtil.exe 0x01343221 +-1
5 OculusConfigUtil.exe 0x01bfd650 z_zlibVersion+2578544
6 OculusConfigUtil.exe 0x01bfd797 z_zlibVersion+2578871
7 kernel32.dll 0x75de33ca BaseThreadInitThunk+18
8 ntdll.dll 0x77089ed2 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+99
9 ntdll.dll 0x77089ea5 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+54

Thread handle: 0x000003a4, id: 724 (0x2d4), stack base: 0x01330000, stack limit: 0x0132e000, stack current: 0x00000000, base priority: 9, delta priority: 0
0 ntdll.dll 0x7706f949 NtRemoveIoCompletion+21
1 kernel32.dll 0x75de33ca BaseThreadInitThunk+18
2 ntdll.dll 0x77089ed2 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+99
3 ntdll.dll 0x77089ea5 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+54

Thread handle: 0x000003a4, id: 784 (0x310), stack base: 0x03c30000, stack limit: 0x03c2f000, stack current: 0x00000000, base priority: 8, delta priority: 0
0 ntdll.dll 0x7707014d ZwWaitForMultipleObjects+21
1 kernel32.dll 0x75de33ca BaseThreadInitThunk+18
2 ntdll.dll 0x77089ed2 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+99
3 ntdll.dll 0x77089ea5 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+54

Thread handle: 0x000003a4, id: 780 (0x30c), stack base: 0x03f40000, stack limit: 0x03f3e000, stack current: 0x00000000, base priority: 8, delta priority: 0
0 ntdll.dll 0x77071f36 ZwWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory+18
1 kernel32.dll 0x75de33ca BaseThreadInitThunk+18
2 ntdll.dll 0x77089ed2 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+99
3 ntdll.dll 0x77089ea5 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+54

Thread handle: 0x000003a4, id: 5732 (0x1664), stack base: 0x04160000, stack limit: 0x0415e000, stack current: 0x00000000, base priority: 8, delta priority: 0
0 ntdll.dll 0x77071f36 ZwWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory+18
1 kernel32.dll 0x75de33ca BaseThreadInitThunk+18
2 ntdll.dll 0x77089ed2 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+99
3 ntdll.dll 0x77089ea5 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+54

Thread handle: 0x000003a4, id: 7032 (0x1b78), stack base: 0x042c0000, stack limit: 0x042be000, stack current: 0x00000000, base priority: 8, delta priority: 0
0 ntdll.dll 0x7706fd81 NtDelayExecution+21
1 KERNELBASE.dll 0x75ef3520 Sleep+15
2 ole32.dll 0x75c9d98d CoGetTreatAsClass+12894
3 ole32.dll 0x75c9d87a CoGetTreatAsClass+12619
4 kernel32.dll 0x75de33ca BaseThreadInitThunk+18
5 ntdll.dll 0x77089ed2 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+99
6 ntdll.dll 0x77089ea5 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+54

Thread handle: 0x000003a4, id: 1824 (0x720), stack base: 0x06180000, stack limit: 0x0617f000, stack current: 0x00000000, base priority: 15, delta priority: 0
0 ntdll.dll 0x7707014d ZwWaitForMultipleObjects+21
1 kernel32.dll 0x75de33ca BaseThreadInitThunk+18
2 ntdll.dll 0x77089ed2 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+99
3 ntdll.dll 0x77089ea5 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+54

Thread handle: 0x000003a4, id: 4800 (0x12c0), stack base: 0x04190000, stack limit: 0x0418e000, stack current: 0x00000000, base priority: 9, delta priority: 0
0 ntdll.dll 0x7706f8c1 NtWaitForSingleObject+21
1 kernel32.dll 0x75de1194 WaitForSingleObjectEx+67
2 kernel32.dll 0x75de1148 WaitForSingleObject+18
3 nvwgf2um.dll 0x50fe606e OpenAdapter12+905086
4 nvwgf2um.dll 0x50fe5323 OpenAdapter12+901683
5 nvwgf2um.dll 0x515052b5 NVAPI_Thunk+476549
6 nvwgf2um.dll 0x51809a5d NVAPI_Thunk+3640621
7 nvwgf2um.dll 0x51809b85 NVAPI_Thunk+3640917
8 kernel32.dll 0x75de33ca BaseThreadInitThunk+18
9 ntdll.dll 0x77089ed2 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+99
10 ntdll.dll 0x77089ea5 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+54

Thread handle: 0x000003a4, id: 1376 (0x560), stack base: 0x07f00000, stack limit: 0x07efe000, stack current: 0x00000000, base priority: 8, delta priority: 0
0 ntdll.dll 0x77071f36 ZwWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory+18
1 kernel32.dll 0x75de33ca BaseThreadInitThunk+18
2 ntdll.dll 0x77089ed2 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+99
3 ntdll.dll 0x77089ea5 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+54

Module list
Base Size Entrypoint Name Path
0x01340000, 0x013bd000 0x01bfc4cf "OculusConfigUtil.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oculus\Tools\OculusConfigUtil.exe"
0x77050000, 0x00180000 0x00000000 "ntdll.dll" "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll"
0x75dd0000, 0x00110000 0x75de32d3 "kernel32.dll" "C:\Windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll"
0x75ee0000, 0x00046000 0x75ee7478 "KERNELBASE.dll" "C:\Windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll"
0x558a0000, 0x00354000 0x55bacf27 "D3DCOMPILER_47.dll" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oculus\Tools\D3DCOMPILER_47.dll"
0x76b80000, 0x000ac000 0x76b8a472 "msvcrt.dll" "C:\Windows\syswow64\msvcrt.dll"
0x75160000, 0x000a0000 0x751749e5 "ADVAPI32.dll" "C:\Windows\syswow64\ADVAPI32.dll"
0x76c30000, 0x00019000 0x76c34975 "sechost.dll" "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sechost.dll"
0x74c10000, 0x000f0000 0x74c20569 "RPCRT4.dll" "C:\Windows\syswow64\RPCRT4.dll"
0x74bb0000, 0x00060000 0x74bca3b3 "SspiCli.dll" "C:\Windows\syswow64\SspiCli.dll"
0x74ba0000, 0x0000c000 0x74ba10e1 "CRYPTBASE.dll" "C:\Windows\syswow64\CRYPTBASE.dll"
0x72e50000, 0x00083000 0x72e613b0 "dxgi.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\dxgi.dll"
0x75060000, 0x00100000 0x7507b6ed "USER32.dll" "C:\Windows\syswow64\USER32.dll"
0x753f0000, 0x00090000 0x75406343 "GDI32.dll" "C:\Windows\syswow64\GDI32.dll"
0x753e0000, 0x0000a000 0x753e36a0 "LPK.dll" "C:\Windows\syswow64\LPK.dll"
0x75b80000, 0x0009d000 0x75bb3fd7 "USP10.dll" "C:\Windows\syswow64\USP10.dll"
0x73d30000, 0x00009000 0x73d31220 "VERSION.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\VERSION.dll"
0x734b0000, 0x00013000 0x734b1d3f "dwmapi.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\dwmapi.dll"
0x75f30000, 0x00c4a000 0x75fb1601 "SHELL32.dll" "C:\Windows\syswow64\SHELL32.dll"
0x75320000, 0x00057000 0x75339ba6 "SHLWAPI.dll" "C:\Windows\syswow64\SHLWAPI.dll"
0x75c70000, 0x0015c000 0x75cbba3d "ole32.dll" "C:\Windows\syswow64\ole32.dll"
0x75650000, 0x0008f000 0x75653fb1 "OLEAUT32.dll" "C:\Windows\syswow64\OLEAUT32.dll"
0x75920000, 0x0019d000 0x759217e7 "SETUPAPI.dll" "C:\Windows\syswow64\SETUPAPI.dll"
0x75620000, 0x00027000 0x756258b9 "CFGMGR32.dll" "C:\Windows\syswow64\CFGMGR32.dll"
0x75040000, 0x00012000 0x75041441 "DEVOBJ.dll" "C:\Windows\syswow64\DEVOBJ.dll"
0x73290000, 0x00032000 0x732937f1 "WINMM.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\WINMM.dll"
0x72230000, 0x000c8000 0x722cb0e4 "OPENGL32.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\OPENGL32.dll"
0x72b20000, 0x00022000 0x72b2b13c "GLU32.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\GLU32.dll"
0x72140000, 0x000e7000 0x72141771 "DDRAW.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\DDRAW.dll"
0x72e40000, 0x00006000 0x72e41250 "DCIMAN32.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\DCIMAN32.dll"
0x758e0000, 0x00035000 0x758e145d "WS2_32.dll" "C:\Windows\syswow64\WS2_32.dll"
0x74ec0000, 0x00006000 0x74ec1782 "NSI.dll" "C:\Windows\syswow64\NSI.dll"
0x72050000, 0x000eb000 0x720513ce "dbghelp.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll"
0x75380000, 0x00060000 0x7539158f "IMM32.dll" "C:\Windows\syswow64\IMM32.dll"
0x74d00000, 0x000cc000 0x74d0168b "MSCTF.dll" "C:\Windows\syswow64\MSCTF.dll"
0x73d20000, 0x0000b000 0x73d21992 "profapi.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\profapi.dll"
0x728e0000, 0x00083000 0x7291791c "d3d11.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\d3d11.dll"
0x73900000, 0x00080000 0x739137c9 "uxtheme.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\uxtheme.dll"
0x75010000, 0x0002d000 0x7501296d "WINTRUST.dll" "C:\Windows\syswow64\WINTRUST.dll"
0x75200000, 0x0011d000 0x7520158a "CRYPT32.dll" "C:\Windows\syswow64\CRYPT32.dll"
0x77020000, 0x0000c000 0x7702238e "MSASN1.dll" "C:\Windows\syswow64\MSASN1.dll"
0x732e0000, 0x001c3000 0x732e1a45 "d3d9.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll"
0x732d0000, 0x00006000 0x732d11f0 "d3d8thk.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\d3d8thk.dll"
0x72320000, 0x00033000 0x7233b4e0 "d3d10core.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\d3d10core.dll"
0x55790000, 0x00102000 0x55874c2e "d3d10.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\d3d10.dll"
0x72640000, 0x00017000 0x7264d35d "OVRDisplayRT32.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\OVRDisplayRT32.dll"
0x71970000, 0x00071000 0x719ab707 "MSVCP120.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\MSVCP120.dll"
0x71880000, 0x000ee000 0x71891a44 "MSVCR120.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\MSVCR120.dll"
0x72d20000, 0x0003c000 0x72d2145d "mswsock.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\mswsock.dll"
0x73260000, 0x00006000 0x73261673 "wship6.dll" "C:\Windows\System32\wship6.dll"
0x72e20000, 0x00017000 0x72e21c9d "userenv.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\userenv.dll"
0x72db0000, 0x00016000 0x72db2dc3 "CRYPTSP.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\CRYPTSP.dll"
0x72d70000, 0x0003b000 0x72d7128d "rsaenh.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\rsaenh.dll"
0x72b50000, 0x0000e000 0x72b51235 "RpcRtRemote.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\RpcRtRemote.dll"
0x73190000, 0x00012000 0x7319b035 "OVRDisplay32.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\OVRDisplay32.dll"
0x50f00000, 0x00e65000 0x50f09100 "nvwgf2um.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\nvwgf2um.dll"
0x74dd0000, 0x00005000 0x74dd1438 "PSAPI.DLL" "C:\Windows\syswow64\PSAPI.DLL"
0x73980000, 0x00017000 0x739835fa "bcrypt.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\bcrypt.dll"
0x6a600000, 0x00177000 0x6a6b3235 "nvspcap.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\nvspcap.dll"
0x73d90000, 0x00058000 0x73d913b4 "WINHTTP.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\WINHTTP.dll"
0x73d40000, 0x0004f000 0x73d41452 "webio.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\webio.dll"
0x719f0000, 0x00329000 0x71c056db "nvapi.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\nvapi.dll"
0x75af0000, 0x00083000 0x75af23d2 "CLBCatQ.DLL" "C:\Windows\syswow64\CLBCatQ.DLL"
0x71f50000, 0x0000a000 0x71f5149a "wbemprox.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wbemprox.dll"
0x70da0000, 0x0005c000 0x70dc2b48 "wbemcomn.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\wbemcomn.dll"
0x71810000, 0x0000f000 0x718121a0 "wbemsvc.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wbemsvc.dll"
0x6fc60000, 0x00096000 0x6fc7f8b9 "fastprox.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\wbem\fastprox.dll"
0x717f0000, 0x00018000 0x717f1335 "NTDSAPI.dll" "C:\Windows\system32\NTDSAPI.dll"

Process list
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Honored Guest
Ok after some tests I found now it happens only if iam using Direct Mode Oo and it seems to be the main problem is nvwgf2um.dll
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