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Oculus rift software is lying saying my pc isnt compatable


How can i force or bypass oculus spftware graphics check? its saying my pc isnt compatable when i know for a fact it is as I have an i7 3050ti with 32gb ram 16 gb vram at 3.50mhz its a dedicated graphics geforce card. This stupid software is saying this because my processor isnt on its list, how can i get around this highly innacurate and broken error?


Expert Trustee

@MiyaMaruKutsune  unfortunately your GPU has dropped off the supported list.

Windows PC Requirements to use Meta Quest Link | Meta Store

You may be able to bypass this requirement with help from this post. The fix is the last post and I can not confirm it works. Good luck.

Issue with graphic card compatibility with Oculus ... - Meta Community Forums - 1113867

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

Expert Consultant

Your best bet is to buy Virtual Desktop, or use Steam Link or ALVR, both of which are free. None of them place artificial hardware restrictions but be aware that your 3050ti  is pretty low-end for VR.

It used to work I used to view YouTube on its side and the environment by going into quick settings and resetting the view from in there but for some reason now it doesn't work

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