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Oculus stuttering in SteamVR games

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When im playing a game (On steamVR) the game stutters and its struggling to keep loading. I was playing Onward VR and when i get into a firefight, my game starts lagging and the SteamVR loading screen starts popping up every half a second, going back and forth between the game and the SteamVR loading screen. The game is struggling to stay consistent and running when i get in a situation. I turned off all prejection options and im running in SteamVR Beta, becuase SteamVR beta is pretty optimal for oculus. What can i do? Is my PC not strong enough to handle the action? Oculus runs perfect on Oculus Games (Superhot, Robo recall) but maybe high end ones are too much to handle.

Amd radeon Rx 480
AMD FX 4350 Unlocked Quad Core Processor 4.2Ghz
(Will specify more specs if needed)

have you tried it on the normal steamvr and not beta? one another game i had didnt run as well when im in beta but worked flawlessly in the non beta one, have you also tried reducing the in game quality etc? 

Not applicable

KenSniper said:

have you tried it on the normal steamvr and not beta? one another game i had didnt run as well when im in beta but worked flawlessly in the non beta one, have you also tried reducing the in game quality etc? 

Yes i have, and i feel the beta one runs more smooth than the normal one.

Known issue ... how severe the stuttering is depends on the game vs your system specs. SteamVR is overall a massive extra overhead for Oculus users, you basically need triple the system power than you should normally need (depending on the game). Unfortunately the only remedy is to just get a better system.

Not 100% sure, but I beleive the Vive users experience the same problems using ReVive to play Oculus games.

That cpu seems very weak

Not applicable

KillCard said:

Known issue ... how severe the stuttering is depends on the game vs your system specs. SteamVR is overall a massive extra overhead for Oculus users, you basically need triple the system power than you should normally need (depending on the game). Unfortunately the only remedy is to just get a better system.

Not 100% sure, but I beleive the Vive users experience the same problems using ReVive to play Oculus games.

That cpu seems very weak

Thanks! I assumed it was the cpu as i heard SteamVR is a hugr upgrade for oculus. I'll upgrade asap (knowing i actually have a couple hundred dollars left over from before i bought the Oculus)


KillCard said:

Known issue ... how severe the stuttering is depends on the game vs your system specs. SteamVR is overall a massive extra overhead for Oculus users, you basically need triple the system power than you should normally need (depending on the game). Unfortunately the only remedy is to just get a better system.

Not 100% sure, but I beleive the Vive users experience the same problems using ReVive to play Oculus games.

That cpu seems very weak

Thanks! I assumed it was the cpu as i heard SteamVR is a hugr upgrade for oculus. I'll upgrade asap (knowing i actually have a couple hundred dollars left over from before i bought the Oculus)

Ya i have the rx 480 as well and it runs VR great! But i have an i7 4790k to go with it. I also have 16gb of ram. I recommend you get more ram as well.

Anyway if you upgrade your cpu you will likely need a new motherboard or make sure its compatible with it. The new ryzen cpus are really really good. If you do want to go intel an i7 7700k or even i5 would be great for many many years.
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