07-25-2017 09:15 PM
07-25-2017 11:12 PM
07-26-2017 07:36 AM
KenSniper said:
have you tried it on the normal steamvr and not beta? one another game i had didnt run as well when im in beta but worked flawlessly in the non beta one, have you also tried reducing the in game quality etc?
07-26-2017 07:46 AM
07-26-2017 08:08 AM
07-26-2017 08:44 AM
KillCard said:
Known issue ... how severe the stuttering is depends on the game vs your system specs. SteamVR is overall a massive extra overhead for Oculus users, you basically need triple the system power than you should normally need (depending on the game). Unfortunately the only remedy is to just get a better system.
Not 100% sure, but I beleive the Vive users experience the same problems using ReVive to play Oculus games.That cpu seems very weak
07-26-2017 09:35 AM
Reloaded99 said:
KillCard said:
Known issue ... how severe the stuttering is depends on the game vs your system specs. SteamVR is overall a massive extra overhead for Oculus users, you basically need triple the system power than you should normally need (depending on the game). Unfortunately the only remedy is to just get a better system.
Not 100% sure, but I beleive the Vive users experience the same problems using ReVive to play Oculus games.That cpu seems very weak
Thanks! I assumed it was the cpu as i heard SteamVR is a hugr upgrade for oculus. I'll upgrade asap (knowing i actually have a couple hundred dollars left over from before i bought the Oculus)
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