01-11-2025 12:16 PM
I have an Oculus Quest, and I recently booted it up. I attempted to log in with the oculus/meta account associated with it, but it says "invalid email domain."
So I tried to login using my facebook details, and it says "you need to log in with the (email address it says is invalid) if you want access to your purchases on your account."
So either I do chargebacks for everything I've purchased because Meta deemed my email invalid now, or they figure out how to grant me access to the account that they claim exists and also does not exist.
Any insight into what I need to do? I CANNOT ADD THE OLD EMAIL to my "new" account. It says it's invalid. So I can't "fake it" and I can't "force it."
I'm not interested in doing a factory reset and losing access to the games I have already paid for.
2 weeks ago
I'm having the same issue. Did you ever figure it out?
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