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Oculus wont charge or turn on.

Honored Guest

So I was gifted an meta quest 2 from my girlfriend because she had it in her closet for 3 to 2 years sitting there because it gave her motion sickness after the first couple of uses. When I first got it I was trying to get in games and it kept showing error and wouldn't load anything except you tube. So I did a factory reset and I was finishing the setup up until it was updating the software, I came back to it when it finished and I kept trying to turn on the quest, it would show a quest screen the go into a grey screen, I kept trying and trying so then I did a hard boot up and from there it did the grey screen one more time and then wouldn't turn on at all. It doesn't charge now and it doesn't turn on, I've tried everything (holding the power button for 45secs, holding the power and volume button to get a screen but it wont show anything, charging with multiple chargers) nothing. What it does do some times if I leave it alone for a day, when i try charging it it'll blink red a couple of times then go back to now responsive at all.
Please any help will be appreciated.




there's an issue with a current update that's causing the headsets to be unresponsive. Please keep your eye on the thread below for any official updates from meta. Add your voice to the thread.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

Rising Star

The battery has probably gone bad. Lithium batteries will die if left discharged for too long.

If you're in the US check out They will sell you a new battery for DIY replacement or will do the repair for you (check prices). Replacing the battery requires a near total strip down and requires the tools and skills to do so.

Also as noted above, there are many reports of headsets being "bricked" after the v72 update. I just read an article on Phone Arena. It seems if the headset hasn't been used for awhile the v72 update will likely "brick" the headset. It seems if the old firmware was enough versions out of date the upgrade will brick the headset. This being the case you'll have to turn to Meta for a solution. Whether or not Meta will replace the headsets as Apple did when an update bricked some their iPads remains to be seen.

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