08-11-2022 08:05 AM
Hi guys, few days ago i received an Oculus update and since that one my ryzen cpu is taking a huge hit under the task manager.
-OculusClient.exe around 20%
-Oculus "" 7%
Cant play on good condition since that update, giving lot of stutter to not say lags on hard session.
Happening same with beta verison.
What can i do to revert back to the previous version?
Version de l’app Oculus (
Ryzen 3600
2x8gb 3800CL16
everything up to date
08-11-2022 08:45 AM
WTF the devs are doin...
Re-installing that sh*t of 6gb was enough to revert back to v0.42 on Rift S, win10.
Did killed some process i never used since the cv1, now the max load my cpu can hit from all oculus process are 3.5% hell yes. No more home2, no oculusclient.exe, oculus and a nice black Dash free up my gpu too.
I m waiting the day u will forces us to install that fu**** v0.43 and i ll go HP 😉
08-12-2022 11:55 AM
I have had the same problem emerge since installing v43.
08-12-2022 01:01 PM
I have the same problem too with the last update v43
How can I revert back to Oculus Client v42?
I tried re-installing (repair) but I did not see any option to return to the previous version...
Sorry for my bad English.
Intel i3 8100
GTX 1650
08-12-2022 01:42 PM
Hey there! We want to help our customers play the Oculus app without issues. We have provided a link were we show the minimum requirements and compatibility to use the app HERE.
08-12-2022 03:01 PM
Hello, download the OculusSetup.exe on the web, then click Repair, wait for that garbage to finish and u ll have the v42.
Infortunatly today, i needed to do that 3 times to revert back cause they are installing that update with no notifications. I m glad i have fiber and a good computer so its kinda but piss me off, now i m looking for a G2 like all my friends wich were running before on oculus. Good luck
08-12-2022 03:03 PM - last edited on 08-12-2022 03:19 PM by TinyAngryPanda
i did not expected more from the support
08-12-2022 03:14 PM - edited 08-12-2022 03:24 PM
I don't know if you bothered to read and understand the problem we are having here
This is not about system requirements. We've been enjoying the Oculus experience for a long time now, but with the latest update (from v42 to v43) you guys released there was a pretty serious performance hit to the Oculus client.
Just yesterday I was enjoying 5% 8% CPU usage when I run the oculus client and now with this dramatic change the CPU usage is over 50%
Please, I ask you to make a report to the development team and make a revision in the changes and problems that this latest update released yesterday has.
Sorry for my bad English.
08-12-2022 03:43 PM
U were right it doesnt work anymore but still worked this afternoon. Sitting on V43
But i found that is the app causing the issue, i mean what ur seeing on the dash app window, i did just deleted the "resource" folder under:
C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-client\resource <= delete or back up
No more oculusClient.exe under task bar!
-OVRserver at 2% goes to 3.5% while dash ON
-dash 4/5%
Works perfect in game, when u put the headset to the head it looks like oculus is each time booting with the logo during half sec but it is not^^
08-12-2022 05:15 PM - edited 08-12-2022 05:15 PM
Thank you so much for the info
I will try it
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