03-07-2024 09:24 PM - edited 03-07-2024 09:55 PM
So I've just been reminded that at the end of the month all Oculus accounts will be wiped.
I think I've done the migration over to Meta (How can I confirm?) but it seems that a bunch of my Oculus purchased games have not come over if I have done it correctly.
Titles like Superhot VR, Space Pirate, Lone Echo, Edge of Nowhere, Robinson The journey, Dead Halls, and Eve Valkyrie - Warzone. Valkryie came with the Rift. I all brought for my Oculus CV1.
/Edit, Also Agards Wrath 1 which I got with my MQ3, how will I play that???
I have questions...
Are we are going to loose access to games we legitimately paid for?
Will the Oculus App be removed or unable to use the Oculus rift?
Will the Oculus Rift not even work for Steam games after this date?
Some of these games are still playable with the MQ3 as PCVR but not if they get deleted, or the Oculus App is no longer working...
I'm not very happy about this...
Solved! Go to Solution.
03-08-2024 03:16 PM
Yes, you got it👍
The library in your Quest shows you only the standalone games.....when you link the Quest to pc or use your Rift, you will only see your pcvr games🙂
03-08-2024 03:29 AM
You said a bunch of games didn't come over to the Meta account, but did any come over correctly?
It should all come over, I didn't lose any of my CV1 games when I changed mine to a Meta account. I'm wondering if you somehow got a new Meta account instead of migrating an Oculus account to a Meta account.
03-08-2024 05:06 AM
Hi @CaesarNZ
to confirm if your Oculus account is migrated to a Meta account log in HERE
Click on your profile pic, then on "Meta horizon profile settings"
On the following page at the left bar click on "orders"
It should show all your purchases, including those you'ne made with your old Oculus account.
Why do you think, they will remove the pc app? 🤔
They are talking about old Oculus accounts, not the pc app.
I would be pretty angry too, if I can't play pcvr games anymore.
03-08-2024 05:28 AM
Most should come over fine imho. Some older games may not because they are no longer supported. Glider Island for example. Also, some like Robo Recall do not play well with +12th gen Intel cpu's and there are fixes for these.
I hope this helps.
03-08-2024 03:01 PM
Hi Choleni,
Ok thanks for that.
I've checked and yes I can actually see all my past Oculus games, so I HAVE migrated across.
But when I look inside my Q3 Headset at my library, I definitively can't see some of those titles, so how would I go about playing them once the Oculus account is removed?
Actually hang on hang on... Maybe I'm overthinking this.
Ok so the Oculus app is now using my Meta account as its login instead of my Oculus one. Is that all
it is now?
03-08-2024 03:16 PM
Yes, you got it👍
The library in your Quest shows you only the standalone games.....when you link the Quest to pc or use your Rift, you will only see your pcvr games🙂
03-08-2024 03:25 PM
Thats awesome mate because when I tried Robo Recall on my Q3 when I got it it was crashing heaps but now I've read that fix I'll give it another go.
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