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Honored Guest

Hi again, 

After reaching out to everyone I could think of, I received an awesome email from a Beat Saber team member with the list of all the songs that allow us to play with only one saber. 
Here is the list for everyone to have it:

“The following is a list of all the single saber songs in the game:
OST1 - All have One Saber.
OST2 - All have One Saber.
OST3 - Origins and Reason For Living.
OST4 - Into The Dream and LUDICROUS+.
OST5 - Firestarter and Magic.
OST6 - No songs have One Saber.
Extras - Angel Voices, One Hope, POP/STARS, Crab Rave and FitBeat.
Camellia - All have One Saber.
MONSTERCAT Vol. 1 - Boundless, Overkill and This Time.
IMAGINE DRAGONS - Believer, Whatever It Takes, Bones, and Enemy.
PANIC! AT THE DISCO - The Greatest Show and High Hopes.
GREEN DAY - American Idiot and Holiday.
TIMBALAND - Dumb Thingz and While We're Young.
LINKIN PARK - NUMB and What I've Done.
BTS - Dynamite and MIC Drop.
SKRILLEX - Bangarang and First of the Year(Equinox).
BILLIE EILISH - Happier Than ever and Therefore I Am.
LADY GAGA - Poker Face and Rain On Me.
FALL OUT BOY - I Don't Care and My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark(Light Em Up).
ELECTRONIC MIXTAPE - Ghosts 'n' Stuff and Icarus.
LIZZO - 2 Be Loved and About **bleep** Time.
THE WEEKND - Blinding Lights and Save Your Tears.
ROCK MIXTAPE - Born To Be Wild and The Pretenders.
QUEEN - Bohemian Rhapsody and Crazy Little Thing Called Love.
LINKIN PARK X MIKE SHINODA - No songs have One Saber.
THE ROLLING STONES - No songs have One Saber.
Daft Punk - No songs have One Saber.
Hip Hop - No songs have One Saber.”


Below is my original message.
Note: I became an amputee because someone was holding a cellphone while driving and got distracted, crossing the center line and hitting me head-on. I’m lucky to be here still alive, but it is tough!
Drive safe everyone!


I’m a double amputee due to a traffic accident and I have been using the Beat Saber game as my main cardio exercise. It is fun and I realize that also helps me with the hand-eye coordination. But the options for songs to be played with only one arm are very limited. 

I bought the Pink album thinking it will give me a few more upbeat songs to exercise with, but I was very disappointed to find out that only one song allows me to play with one arm. And it’s not my favorite. 
I have been thinking of buying Queen’s music album, but I don’t want to waste money if I can only play one song from the whole album to use with one arm/saber. 

I’m getting bored of playing the same few songs again and again, and some days I find myself regretting the expense I made buying the Oculus VR. 
The Beat Saber game is my favorite, but I can’t see before buying what songs in each album are set-up with the option to be played by a one-arm user, and I don’t want to keep paying for things I can’t use. 

Can someone tell me which Queen’s songs have the option to be played with only one controller, please? 

Also, I am trying to find which songs from the playlists are suitable for a ‘one saber’ user, but even on the Beat Saber website I cannot find that information. 
I like some songs, but I don’t want to buy them if I can’t be sure that I will be able to play them.
If someone could help me confirm what songs are allowing One Saber from the list below, I will appreciate it: 

The Weeknd - Blinding Lights; Starboy; I feel it Coming

Imagine Dragons - Believer

Counting Stars, The sweet Escape, and Sugar from the Interscope Mixtap album.

The eye of the Tiger by Survivor


Thank you very much! 



Hi @AleCleAde 🙂

There are two songs in the Queen music pack.

- Bohemian Rhapsody

- Don't stop me now


@AleCleAde  I don't know if you have the PCVR version of beatsaber, but there are mod groups doing many more music packs for both the mobile and PCVR versions. Joining the discord of these groups may get you info on songs that you'd be able to enjoy.

Good luck 

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR
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