12-15-2024 07:52 AM
I tried to create a post with all the communication I have from Meta. This issue has been going on since November 9th I beleive and almost every email response I get back is from a different person and essentially assuring me they are working on the issue.....I tried to paste them in here but its exceeds the Character limit. I'm pasting the most recent one so hopefully someone with some brains and common sense can resolve this issue.
Case Number is
Hi Joshua,
Thanks for getting in touch with Meta Store Support.
I hope this email finds you well and safe. This is Allan from the Meta Support team.
I see that you're having an issue with your Meta Account and I completely understand how important this is. I kindly inform you that your case has been redirected to me for further review.
We're currently looking into your Meta Account. I'll get back to you as soon as there's an update.
Should you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us again at Meta Store Support.
Best regards,
Meta Store Support
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