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Opening Oculus makes my internet crash and never works

Honored Guest
Hi guys,

I've been playing well with my Oculus until recently. I've changed my graphics card to a RTX2070 and after the change it was working fine too, however, suddenly one day it started doing weird stuff.

When I connect the headset (HDMI+USB), both to 3.0 ports (and the software recognises them as 3.0), and I put the headset on, I see the infinite background (white) and the loading spinner for the home, but it never loads. I know there's a common issue with the home being corrupted, but I don't think it's my particular case, but mine has even more issues.

Asides from not loading the home ever, nor the store, in "Explore" I can see some assets loaded but some not, my hands will appear sometimes, sometimes not.

Another thing I've noticed is that once I put the headset on, my computer goes out of internet... like the etherned addapter is switched or something happens with it that cuts my internet connection for few seconds, until I take my headset off or close Oculus software (I can literally see Windows swapping the icon to the "Network but no internet" one (the world globe, instead of the computer icon). But is closing Oculus software and few seconds after it connects back to internet and works.

I had several theories, but none of them seem to be the case:

- Oculus home getting corrupted: Thought of this first, but I don't think it's the case because from time to time, it works and loads everything including my home, if it was corrupted it wouldn't load ever. Also, the fact that my internet is going off doesn't seem to be a common case for those with their home corrupted.

- I thought off the USB 3.0 not delivering enough power, but again, doesn't seems to be the case. I have 5 USB 3.0 ports in my Mobo (MSI Z270 Pro Carbon), and 2 in the front of the case + HDMI (NZXT S340 Elite), I used to use the front panel ones, so I thought they might be breaking with time (pretty common with almost all cases), then I connected them to the Mobo directly and worked, but today I'm doing all kind of tests and it won't work nor in the front panel nor in the USB 3.0 Mobo ports. Also updated the USB 3 drivers and nothing... still the same issue (also Oculus soft always detects everything connected with USB 3, never got any issue with that).

- Now I'm starting to think its the own headset... or maybe the USB + HDMI cable, because no matter where I plug it in, it won't work, I always get the same experience except 1 out of 30 times when it works and I can use it as if nothing wrong happened. But when I get the infinite background + connection kill (most of the times I try) nothing works.

I want to try and still create a new home if I ever get the chance of it working, just in case, to set a new default one empty. But as I mentioned above, I don't think it's my particular case but something else in the equation is happening.

Any suggestions?

BTW: Tried uninstalling and installing Oculus software twice and never solved the issue. Also dropping my PC Specs here:

- Intel Core i7 7700K
- 16Gb RAM DDR4 @ 3000Mhz
- MSI Z270 Gaming Pro Carbon
- MSI RTX 2070 Gaming Z
- SSD (for Oculus software)
- HDD (for Oculus library/games)
- Corsair RM650i

Heroic Explorer
What kind of power supply you have and how old is it?

Honored Guest

sraura said:

What kind of power supply you have and how old is it?

Currently a Corsair RM650i and it is from 2017.

Asides from this issue, haven't noticed any other issue with it when playing other games and pushing the RTX to the limits with benchmarks.
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