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Optimum hardware connections to get the best Airlink performance

Honored Guest

Have a Sky WIFI 6 router located on the ground floor which currently links to my gaming PC in an upstairs room using 5GHz WIFI.  This connection provides me a 100MB/s connection to the internet which is what my fibre broadband speed under the current contract. Unfortunately I find when I use Airlink on my 3S used in the same room  as the PC that the signal strength is poor causing drop-outs on the headset.

What is the optimum method of improving the Airlink performance:

Option 1

Move the sky router to the same room as the PC using an ethernet cable between the PC and router.

Option 2

Connect a second router to the Sky router (using ethernet cable) and locate the second router in the same room as the PC. Connect the PC to second router using ethernet.

Option 3

Purchase a WIFI extender and locate that in the same room as the PC.

Option 4

Connect a second router to the PC using ethernet to provide a non internet connection but providing allowing a WIFI connection to the headset.

Option 5

Purchase something else such as a bridge D-link.




Expert Consultant

Options 1 and 2 are the best. Option 3 will not provide enough bandwidth and option 4 can work and internet access can be provided to the headset but only by configuring your PC as a router. Option 5 should work as well but the DLink bridge has very much fallen out of favour and lots of people report issues with it. It's just another windows wifi hotspot and windows isn't very good at hotspotting.

Honored Guest

As for option 2, do you have any recommendations as to a suitable second router as my spare router is an old TalkTalk device which I dont think will be a WIFI 6 although it does have dual bands?

I personally use a TPLink Archer of some sort (AXE75? May be wrong) and a Gl.inet Beryl AX. I like the Gl.inet because it's tiny and has a built-in VPN client so it has a more powerful CPU and more memory than normal routers.

Honored Guest

Used option 1 and it works a treat.

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