06-29-2016 02:47 AM
So. I am beyond mad right now. First I get an email on 24th, that Oculus cant get my money, because I dont even know why. Called my bank and they said no one tried to charge my CC and they accept everything thats coming in, so there shouldnt be a problem. The information was also correct.
Then I talk to support and they told me to use another CC or use PayPal. Which didnt quite work. I dont have more than 1 CC and when I use PayPal I get an error message "Whoops. Something went wrong" as soon as I click on authorize,
So I tried to contact Support during the 4 days, asking what to do. No answer, nothing. Just got some email saying "Try another browser. Type in your CC information again. Try PayPal." I got the email on 24th, now its the 29th...
So yesterday I tried to use PayPal again but with my wifes PP account (which has the same billing adress as mine, mind you). And now minutes ago I get an email saying that my order has been cancelled.
Oculus? WTF? I have been waiting since February, then got some email that you cant get money from my CC, my bank says its okay and now you cancel it for what reason? And why do you cancel it when there is still an open support ticket regarding this issue?
Seriously. I am totally mad and frustrated...
Please. Can anyone from support contact me? ......
06-30-2016 03:47 AM
06-30-2016 04:55 AM
06-30-2016 05:40 AM
Elunedra said:
poeple from Support dont often come here on the forms, its best to contact them directly and wait a week
06-30-2016 05:45 AM
06-30-2016 05:46 AM
06-30-2016 05:50 AM
Techy111 said:
I wish it was mate. This is the official wtf forum. You might look up cyberreality on here and shoot him a pm. He may be able to help 😞
06-30-2016 05:54 AM
06-30-2016 05:57 AM
06-30-2016 05:59 AM
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