12-13-2024 05:31 AM - edited 12-13-2024 05:32 AM
We are experiencing an issue, where the Quest Link App shows an error, that the Quest 2 has 0% battery charge and refuses to work. The device itself is fully charged. Restarting the OVR Server app solves the issue. But is extremely annoying.
So far we tried rebooting, reinstalling the Quest Link App, updating headsets, … but the issue reappears on a regular basis. The only other reference we found is this Reddit discussion: https://www.reddit.com/r/OculusQuest/comments/1f54omb/my_quest_link_app_says_my_quest_2_is_at_0_even....
Is this a known issue? Any ideas what might cause it? Any ideas how to solve it?
4 weeks ago
I have exactly the same issue and would like. Meta devs, please check this and hopefully fix it as it's so annoying messing with Quest Link App for ~30 min every time I want to play PCVR.
a week ago
Unfortunately, there isn't any update on this. It would be great to get any feedback from Meta.
Restarting doesn't help. I just reinstalled my operating system and when I added the helmet it appeared, and it's at 90%. It used to help, but only for a short time. Also, the connection would drop quite often. By the way, does anyone know why the application has this strange resolution when connecting to the Quest 2? By default, it is higher than the one on the helmet itself. In Meta Link it is 4128x2112, and on the helmet it is 3664 x 1920.
I have the 0% battery issue and I haven't been able to use Quest Link since December of 2024. Awful support, no help.
Quest 3, 12700kf, 4070 Ti Super, 32 GB RAM, Windows 11
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