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PCVR Quest 2 Controller Stutter/Not moving smoothly

Honored Guest

I will begin this post with my specs, this is a laptop

  • 16 GB DDR5

  • Intel i7-13620H

  • RTX 4060

  • Windows 11

This happens in at least, Oculus Dash, SteamVR Dash, Half Life Alyx, Blade and Sorcery, Phasmophobia, and Bonelabs. The controller stutter/jitter occurs only on PCVR and not in the Quest 2 itself. The issue also occurs regardless of frame rate, creating an effect where everything is smooth besides my hands.

I have tested Airlink, Link Cable (Official Cable), Steam Link (from Quest 2 to PC), and some other tool called Air Light VR. It happens in all of these.

I have tested:

  • Many different debug tool configurations

  • Different refresh rate and resolution settings

  • New Batteries

  • Unpairing and pairing controllers

  • Reducing graphics as much as possible in-game

  • Wiping off Quest 2 lenses

  • Disabling Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling and Game Mode

  • Factory Resetting Quest

  • Using NVIDA Studio Drivers

  • Software update via Oculus Support website

If I can figure out how to record a example of this, I will, as the mirror presented on the PC screen looks fine.

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