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PSA: Secondary Profiles broken. If you need to use multiple accounts, might as well return.


A lot of new users after the holidays, like me.  I am seeing this posted a lot, with questions on it going back at least a year.  I'm not sure if something changed with the Meta Horizon app, of if this ever worked.

But this is a huge problem for anyone buying this for family use.

Problem:  While you can add multiple (secondary) profiles to your headset, no profile except the first one (Device Owner/Admin) can pair the headset with the Horizon App.  This means you can't manage the headset through the app, cast to it, or purchase content through it.

Many threads here and across the Internet discuss the problem, here is just one:

This is just a ridiculous limitation on the device that needs to be fixed ASAP.  Since ASAP in META world probably means months, years, or never, I can't see a good reason to keep on with this headset.  Might as well return it and just buy a PS4 VR that is for a specific use as opposed to the Quest which doesn't work as advertised and is useless beyond a single user.  Sorry META, we aren't about to purchase 4 headsets at ~$500 each for every family member!

Now to see about getting refunds for purchases...


Oh, to META staff: I tried to post an "idea" to fix this here:

But I get Access Denied messages when trying to open up the Ideas forum/thread.  Yet another win for you!

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