10-17-2023 01:09 PM - edited 11-21-2023 12:28 PM
After updating to v59 on Quest PRO, ive got serious tracking issues with the Pro controllers. headset seems to loose connection to controllers every minute. They dissapper while using them for a while then they do reappear.
Did also try disable handtracking but result is the same, very unstable.
Problem was solved with v59 and a reset and re-pairing of the controllers, but now with PTC v60 the problem is back, but this time nothing helps to overcome the problem. (Did also exit the PTC to get back to a working v59, but the Quest Pro will not downgrade from v60, so it`s now unuseable.)
Solved! Go to Solution.
10-27-2023 03:02 PM
I am experiencing the same issue with my Quest Pro on PTC V59. My controllers keep randomly disappearing and reappearing.
Hard resetting the controllers, unpairing and pairing doesn't fix the issue. Also I am dropping a LOT of frames with cable Link every 10 seconds or so, and that's with PC software v57 and v59.
10-27-2023 07:21 PM - edited 10-28-2023 12:47 AM
10-28-2023 12:59 AM
Problem was once again solved by disconnect/reset and pair the controllers using the app!
Seams to occur each time when the firmware is updated.
10-30-2023 10:00 AM
I got an update, both controllers updated to 1.32.2 but the problem remains the same.
PCVR performance is still disappointing going from this
to this every 30 seconds or so, whether I'm sitting around or playing a game.
Can we have the option to revert to v57 please ?
10-31-2023 04:50 PM - edited 11-08-2023 07:57 PM
Similar issue. Updated to 59. Left controller won't connect. It will make contact for a second, then drop. Unpaired and tried to pair it again. Won't connect. Disable PTC, factory reset. Updated me to v59. Factory reset controllers. Right controller disconnects, connects, disconnects, while left controller still won't pair. Had plans tonight for Halloween.
About tired of troubleshooting this headset so much. Maybe they should stop adding new stuff to break, until they fix what is already broken.
Update 11-8: Replacement controller paired without issue
11-01-2023 10:47 AM
Latest Beta PTC V59 fixed all my issues.
Tracking is again rock solid and PCVR performance is stellar.
11-21-2023 11:56 AM
OMG, problem is back with PTC v60
Now i was not able to solve it by resetting and reconnecting the controllers on the PRO!
So I did opt out from the PTC, did reset the PRO. But it`s still having the problem and the version was not downgraded to the latest public release.
So i`m stuck with tracking problems of the controllers…
11-21-2023 02:21 PM
JohSm67 I also had MAJOR problems with controller tracking after updating to v59 on Quest PRO. The menu buttons did work though, so there was still a connection to the headset. I did reset, restart & reboot the controller & head set but to no avail. What has worked for me was to change my internet frequency from 5 GHz to 2.4 GHz.
I clam no expertise or explanation, all I can say is I no longer have the issue. May the moon passed in front of Venus, I don't know, my problem has gone away. Maybe this info can help others.
11-21-2023 05:58 PM
Controllers are broken on my Quest Pro again with v60 after being broken on v59, but fixed on a later v59 update. Constant disconnecting then reconnecting a minute later. Currently unplayable.
11-22-2023 12:34 AM
Ok i'm on a dedicated 5GHZ (WIFI network)
Just to make it stable and optimize the link speed when streaming and other.
Could in theory maybe be some network driver issues here, but as it do reappear and even get worse in the v60 PTC and that the factory reset for hmd and controllers do not solve it any longer I will try to RMA it as it's now worse than ever...
Will for sure give it a try later, to use some different WIFI setup's:
- A combined 5 & 2.4GHz WIFI network
- A dedicated 2.4GHz WIFI network
- A dedicated 5GHz WIFI network (Used to be stable and fast.)
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