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PTC v64/65 - Headset display turns off immediately after taking off the headset



After my Quest 3 updated to v64, I'm noticing that my headset's display turns off immediately after taking the headset off. 

This doesn't seem to respect my settings I have under Settings > Power

- Display off: 1 minute

- Sleep mode: 15 seconds

- Battery saver: off



Hey @philmanagexr! Just wanted to check and see if you were able to get PTC v66 on your headset by any chance? If so, were there any noticeable changes? 

Sometimes it's okay to be a little Bing Chilling


I'm also still experiencing this on a V68.

Hi there FlorisManageXR!


We saw you're having issues with your headset display timeout not matching your settings.


You mentioned you're currently on V68. Can we ask if you have access to the V69 update yet?

Hope to hear back from you soon!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Hi there! 

Unfortunately Meta didn't roll out the firmware to my device. I've tried to update it, but it doesn't allow me (yet). Howver, this bug has been present since the rollout of V64, is there any work in progress to resolve this, or is there any release changelog that mentions it should have been fixed already?


Thanks @FlorisManageXR!

We really appreciate the info, and the troubleshooting that you have already attempted!


Have you tried to sideload the update yet? If not you could check if the Software Update Tool has any luck.

Also, WootM4ge has posted a list of release notes for v69 in the community that you might find useful Here.


We would also suggest that anyone facing these issues to try this simple fix, as some users have had success previously if it has been an issue with the proximity sensor.


1. If the eyeglass spacer is in use: confirm it is seated correctly and not blocking the proximity sensor

2. Verify the facial interface is seated correctly and not blocking the proximity sensor
If the customer is using an unsupported third-party facial interface, remove it

3. Ensure nothing is getting inside the headset under the facial interface such as hair

  • Change the Auto-Sleep timer to anything longer than 15 seconds
    If the sensor is still detecting the user sometimes this may be enough to resolve the issue.
  • To access the Auto-Sleep settings:
  1. Access the universal menu by pressing the Menu button on the right Touch controller.
  2. Select the Quick Settings panel (the area with the clock) to view the device settings.
  3. Click the Settings button in the upper right corner.
  4. Click the System tile.
  5. Select the Power menu to access the Auto-Sleep setting.


If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!
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